A few minutes of silence,Uzbekistan sighed and looked at me.

(Uzbekistan)"If Azerbaijan knows that I took you back then she would kill me.So I need to make sure that if she arrived at the countries house,you need to hide somewhere so she does not get you again,understand?"
(Y/N)"I understand.Are we there yet?"
(Uzbekistan)"No but I think you should rest now,it's getting a bit late."

I nodded at him and closed my eyes as a gust of wind went passed through me.It made me shiver a bit but I have gotten use to it.

A few minutes later..I felled a sleep.. (😨 oh no)

Soviet's POV:

How long till Y/N gets back?Its been like forever..
I looked at the time and it is already 20:00 PM.

(Soviet)"Maybe I should sleep with the others.."

I gone upstairs to my room at my house still and lay down on the floor.

(Soviet)"Ugh I can't stand up now.."
(???)"Want me to help?"

I turned around to see Russia standing there and came close to me.

(Soviet)"Why aren't you in bed?"
(Russia)"Because I dunno,maybe since I heard I loud thump on your room so I came in."
(Soviet)"Okay..Please help me.."
(Russia)"Alright Dad."

I felt Russia grabbed me but started to struggle,pfft weak boy.After Russia dropped me again,I laid down back on the floor and sighed.

Russia looked at me and stared at me.I saw he bend down to me and patted my head.I smiled at him but he got up and left me.



I opened my eyes to see Uzbekistan watching me sleep.I thought it was weird but he was only trying to wake me up.He smiled and helped me get up.

(Y/N)"Huh we are here already?"
(Uzbekistan)"We need to walk for a bit then we are here."

I nodded at him and we both got out of the helicopter.It was still dark but it's kinda relaxing on night walks.

(Y/N)"What time is it?"
(Uzbekistan)"20:30 pm."

I nodded and we started to walk,a few minutes later we heard lots of noise coming from some sort of area near some trees.We walked down there and it was only the Countries house.

(Uzbekistan)"Let's just hope they would not get to excited when you are back.I know they miss you but you know what I mean."
(Y/N)"Don't worry I understand." (No you don't)

He smiled at me and knocked on the door.A few seconds later someone opened the door,it was UK.

(UK)"Oh my Uzbekistan!What are you doing here so late in the coldness?"
(Uzbekistan)"I do apologise for this time but I am here to give Y/N back to you.Ms.Azerbaijan does not know about this but I would like this as a secret.Do you understand UK?"
(UK)"I understand and where is she?"
(Y/N)"I'm here you blind person."
(UK)"I thought we are done with this?"
(Y/N)"Nah.It will stay forever!"
(UK)"Uzbekistan take her away from me please-"
(Uzbekistan)"Good luck Mr.UK!"

Uzbekistan pushed me to UK and closed the door.Rude I don't want to be with that smelly old man who is bald.UK sighed and looked at me.

(UK)"Are you alright there?What happened?"
(Y/N)"Well Soviet Ex wife was kinda tortured me and force Uzbekistan to cut my arm."
(UK)"Oh dear..Well you better need some sleep in Soviet Union's room,Soviet Union is at his house by the way so it can be a surprise for him."
(Y/N)"Okay..Goodnight I guess.."

I went upstairs to Soviet room and went to his comfy,soft,massive,clean bed.I still can smell the vodka scent on the bed.Did he drank vodka when I'm gone even though I've told him not to?Or did he just never wash his bed?

Whatever,I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep (is that how you make good English or?).



I woke up in the morning at 06:00 AM.FINALLY I WOKE UP AT NORMAL TIME!
Now I'm going back to sleep-Just kidding..I wish I wasn't..

I got out of Soviets bed and went out of the room.No one was awake so I stayed a bit quiet and went back to Soviet room to stay there.I thought about calling but I don't know if he is awake..

I'll just wait until he comes back or something.I sighed quietly since I was bored and all I did was stared at the ceiling for and hour and a half.(Me every day be like)

I closed my eyes until I heard the door bursted opened.UK how dare you bursting into the door!

(UK)"Get your bum here Y/N!"

He grabbed my two legs and started to pull me.I gripped on Soviets bed until I lose gripped and he just dragged me downstairs.Every time he kept dragging down the stairs,I kept saying "ow ow ow ow."

UK continued dragging me to the living room and threw me to the couch.Aggressive British person.

(UK)"Because I'm not wasting anytime of us walking down the long stairs."
(Y/N)"Oh yeah the long stairs.BUT THAT FUCKING HURTS!"
(UK)"Oh no..Here is an ice pack and a wet paper towel."

I stared at him dead in the eyes as he chuckled slightly.I smiled and threw it on the floor.I got up but he just pushed me down on the couch.

(UK)"Stay here.I told UN that your back and wants to talk to you."
(Y/N)"No need to-"
(UK)"He's here.Good bye."

UK left the room and UN came to me.He started to apologise to me and sat next to me..

(I'm continuing this next part since I don't want to do it in same part)


1600 words

I think you know why I haven't post this
(This was finished in 30th April btw)


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