"Eat your heart out? What are you? A teenage girl from the 50's?" Minho asked, laughing. Jisung blushed as he turned away from Minho to strut into the bathroom, making sure to sway his hips teasingly. And it definitely had an effect because Minho couldn't keep his eyes off those swaying hips until the bathroom door closed. He sat on the bed, mind racing as he contemplated following Jisung like he had said. He pictured him slowly peeling off his clothes layer by layer. He imagined Jisung really would make a show of it, teasing him all the while as he stripped for him. His body tensed as he was about to stand up to go into the restroom when Jisung suddenly came out, dressed in his pajamas. But they weren't his typical sweatpants and t-shirt, this time he wore a satin pajama set. A short sleeve button up on top and tiny little shorts that barely covered his cheeks. Minho's eyes widened as he watched Jisung walk around the bed to his suitcase. He bent over dramatically to put away his dirty clothes, presenting his ass in Minho's direction. Minho bit his lips and tried to look away but couldn't help but stare. He fidgeted on the bed as he watched the satin fabric hug Jisung's defined muscles and curves. Minho tried to tease but the words came out in a stutter "N-nice PJs." Jisung smiled as he climbed into the bed next to Minho and said "Thanks." "I can't believe you brought a satin pajama set to wear, what else did you bring?" Minho asked, chuckling nervously.

       "Wouldn't you like to know

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"Wouldn't you like to know." Jisung said in a flirty tone. Minho's ears burned as he tried to hide his flustered expression. Jisung picked up on it though and got in his face teasing "Ooh you WOULD like to know, you little perv." Minho only blushed more, avoiding Jisung's eyes. "Admit you lost the bet and maybe I can show you." Jisung said, leaning closer. Leaning across the bed like that, Minho could see down into Jisung's shirt, to his chest and abs shrouded in shadows. Minho gulped looking at Jisung, his stomach did a flip as Jisung came closer. He wanted to rip those slutty little satin pajamas off of Jisung. "Nice try Jisung, really, the pajamas were a nice touch but I won't lose this bet. I hate to break it to you but I'm not catching feelings. The grand romance package and satin pajama sets won't get me to make the first move. So we can keep pretending to be boyfriends but you will be the one falling for me, I am sure of it." Minho said as he laid back on the bed and covered up under the blankets. Jisung huffed loudly and turned off his lamp as he climbed under the covers too, facing away from Minho. 'Shit, if that didn't get him to cave, I don't know what will.' Jisung thought, pouting. 'Shit I really almost caved, but he's just hot, it's not like I am actually falling for him or anything... that's just silly.' Minho thought before falling asleep.

Jisung woke up the next morning and looked over to Minho sleeping soundly beside him. He was so beautiful, his pink pouty lips slightly parted as he breathed deeply. 'He's so annoying but when I see him like this... I can't help but want him to want me... I hate even admitting that to myself but it's true. And unfortunately I think it's going to take more than regular seducing to win this guy over.' Jisung thought as Minho slowly blinked his eyes trying to wake up. Jisung jumped out of the bed to his suitcase to get clothes for the day. Minho glanced over at Jisung who was crouched by his bag this time instead of bent over dramatically. He had fallen asleep and forgotten about Jisung's satin pajamas. But seeing them again now with his crouching, compacting himself into a little ball, made Minho's mind wander even more. He now thought of how easily he could maneuver and toss his small frame around. His mouth grew dry as he watched him and in his half asleep state he found himself fighting and losing against an erection. He quickly covered himself and tried not to make things obvious as Jisung walked to the restroom to change. Jisung came out dressed for their day in Costa Maya. "Ahh no more satin pajamas, what a shame." Minho said fake pouting. "I have to admit, I thought those PJs would have more of an effect... I am not used to having to try so hard." Jisung said, chuckling nervously.

"So the men you go for usually just fall at your feet?" Minho asked, smiling. "Yeah kind of." Jisung said, shrugging. "And that has worked out great for you, seeing as you are still single." Minho said bluntly. "Well when you go for someone more challenging you leave yourself open for rejection, heartache... and who likes that shit..." Jisung said, getting randomly serious. Minho paused for a moment before saying "For once I think we agree on something." "Yeah... So I guess I go for the easy targets, the men that are obsessed with me at first glance but they don't stick around..." Jisung said as he continued getting ready. "Why is that?" Minho asked as he was finally able to get up without embarrassing himself. "I don't know, you tell me." Jisung said as he brushed his hair in the mirror. "Maybe because you're loud, arrogant and a bit of a brat." Minho said bluntly as he started getting dressed. Jisung stopped brushing his hair and looked at Minho through the mirror with his mouth hanging open. "Damn! One thing would have been fine geez!" Jisung finally said angrily. "I mean I'm no peach, people don't stick around with me either. Want to take a crack at why that is?" Minho said as he pulled on his shirt. "I figure people get tired of tugging at a locked door." Jisung said simply before sitting on the end of the bed.

Minho stopped in his tracks and asked "Huh?" "You close yourself off, act cold and aloof, probably in an attempt to guard yourself like a locked door without a key in sight. People will try to open the door, hell they might even try and pry it open using different tools and tactics but eventually people get tired of trying and just go to another room." Jisung said as he put on his shoes. Minho stood in silence as he let Jisung's weirdly poetic words sink in. "Maybe you are smarter than you look." Minho said simply. "And I can only hope you are nicer than you act." Jisung said, rolling his eyes. "Well if all those easy guys aren't working out, maybe you should try someone more challenging." Minho said, bringing back the first topic. "Someone like you?" Jisung asked with a sly smile. "Oh no, not me, I am much too difficult to catch." Minho said, grinning. "I may like things the easy way but I am also used to getting my way so you tell me I can't get something, I'm going to prove you wrong." Jisung said. "Good luck trying to pry the door open." Minho said. "I won't have to pry at all if I find the key." Jisung said confidently. "What? The key to my heart? You are so lame." Minho said, chuckling.

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