☆OBSSESED Tom× reader☆

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Tom Kaulitz was a successful musician, known for his guitar skills and his wild rockstar lifestyle. But beneath the surface, he had a secret obsession that consumed his every thought: the stunning model named Y/N.

Tom had first spotted Y/N on a magazine cover, and from that moment on, he was hooked. He spent hours poring over her Instagram, studying every photo and video she posted. He even hired a private investigator to track down her address so he could send her gifts and letters.

Y/N, however, had no idea who Tom was. She was focused on her own career, traveling the world for photo shoots and fashion shows. But Tom didn't let that stop him. He began showing up at events where he knew Y/N would be, hoping to catch a glimpse of her.

As time went on, Tom's obsession with Y/N only grew more intense. He started to become paranoid, convinced that she was intentionally ignoring him or actively avoiding him. He even went so far as to follow her to a shoot in another country, sneaking onto the set and hiding in the shadows to watch her work.

Y/N finally became aware of Tom's presence when she spotted him lurking outside her hotel room one night. She was understandably frightened and called the police, who took Tom into custody for stalking.

It was a wake-up call for Tom. He realized how his obsession had consumed him and caused him to act in ways that were dangerous and irrational. He sought help from a therapist and worked to overcome his obsessive thoughts and behaviors.

Meanwhile, Y/N continued to thrive in her career, and eventually found love with someone who respected her boundaries and treated her with kindness and respect. Tom, watching from afar, was happy to see Y/N happy, and he knew that his obsession with her was finally over.

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