☆obssesive Tom×reader☆

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(I really like this one tbh)

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Tom Kaulitz who had an obsession with a singer named Y/N. He first heard her music when he was flipping through the radio one day and was immediately hooked. Her voice was like nothing he had ever heard before, and her lyrics spoke to him on a level he didn't think was possible. From that day on, he made it his mission to know everything about her.

He started off by researching her online. He spent hours pouring over articles and interviews, trying to learn everything he could about her life and her music. He watched every video he could find of her performances, analyzing every note she sang and every movement she made on stage. He even went to every concert she had in his town, hoping to catch a glimpse of her in person.

As time went on, Tom's obsession with Y/N grew stronger. He started to collect all of her albums, posters, and merchandise. He even created a fan account on social media dedicated solely to her. He spent hours every day scrolling through her social media accounts, commenting on all of her posts, and even sending her messages, hoping she would notice him.

But despite all of Tom's efforts, Y/N never replied to any of his messages. She was a busy woman with a successful music career, and Tom was just another fan in a sea of thousands. However, Tom refused to give up on his dream of meeting her. He started to attend every meet-and-greet and fan event she had in his area, hoping to finally get a chance to speak with her.

One day, Tom got his wish. He was standing in line at a fan event, waiting for his turn to meet Y/N. When he finally got to the front of the line, he was so nervous he could barely speak. But Y/N was kind and gracious, taking the time to speak with him and even taking a photo with him.

From that moment on, Tom was convinced that Y/N was his soulmate. He started to imagine a life with her, fantasizing about their future together. He would spend hours writing love letters to her, pouring out his heart and soul onto the page.

But Y/N was never aware of Tom's true feelings for her. She saw him as just another fan, nothing more. And when she announced that she was getting married to someone else, Tom was devastated. He couldn't believe that his dream of being with Y/N was never going to come true.

Tom started to spiral out of control. He stopped going to work, stopped eating, and stopped sleeping. He would spend hours every day sitting in his room, staring at pictures of Y/N and crying. He started to become more and more obsessed with her, convinced that she was the only person who could make him happy.

One day, Tom made a decision that would change his life forever. He decided to take matters into his own hands and do something drastic. He broke into Y/N's home, convinced that he could win her heart if only he had the chance to speak with her in person.

But things didn't go as planned. Y/N was terrified when she saw Tom standing in her living room, holding a bouquet of flowers and declaring his love for her. She called the police, and Tom was arrested for breaking and entering.

Tom was devastated. He couldn't believe that his love for Y/N had led him down such a dark path. He was sentenced to several years in prison, where he spent every day thinking about what could have been if only things had gone differently.

In the end, Tom's obsession with Y/N had cost him everything. His dreams of being with her had led him down a dangerous path, and he had lost everything he held dear.

Tokio Hotel ☆ Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें