34. The Fifth Stone

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"Adi, Guruwar has made it clear. If he is saying this then we need to stop worrying and focus on the stone. Teamwork, remember? We need to trust Jiya Di to be prepared to take the hit."

"Alright. We have to find the fifth, sixth, and the seventh stone. As of now, Virat has two and we have two. Where else can the other three be?"

"If there is a stone connected to Lakshmi, it would be almost impossible to find. You'll have to find so many places that it will take months." Samudra Deva explained.

"But why couldn't I track them earlier?" I asked.

"Each stone corresponds to a different frequency so one single frequency might not be the right way to find it."

"Maybe we should go to Dhosi." Omkara suggested.

"Oh, that is a great idea." Akshay agreed.

"What is Dhosi to do with this?" Adi asked.

"Dhosi is an ancient vedic site. It has an extinct volcano. Maharishi Bhrigu had his ashram there during Krita Yuga. That was where Maharishi Chyavana invented Chyavanprash." Harsh explained. "Maybe we will find some clues. According to some, Maharishi Dhata and Vidhata were born there."

"They later moved from there to Bharuch where Mata was born to him after he did his penance. He earlier lived in Dhosi. Ancient temple of Mahadeva is there. Chyavaneshwar."

"Then we should go there and investigate." I added.

"I'll get you there." Samudra Deva suggested. Leading us through the ruins of Dwarka, he took us to a special room that was locked. A large yantra was there.

The yantra threw us right into a forest. While Adi, Harsh, and I came out of the yantra with our face on the ground but Akshay and Omkara landed on their feet. I still hadn't gotten the hang of using the yantra.

Akshay helped me stand up. Adi stood up and helped Harsh. Once we dusted off the dirt on our clothes, we started to look for the remains of the ashram.

Seven stones came from the seven upper worlds. Each of these stones respond to a certain chakra. So, maybe my approach to look for a stone not from earth isn't the best idea. Maybe I should try to align my own Kali's chakra to find the stone.

I sat down under a large peepal tree and closed my eyes.

I saw my Kali before me. She sat before me and closed her own eyes. The third eye open widely. Soon enough, both of us merged and I felt Kali's energy course through me.

The Sahasrara Chakra corresponded to Satya Loka, the land of Brahmaa who sat on that Sahasradala Padma which came from Mama's own Manipura Chakra. Manipura Chakra represents fire element and hence Brahmaa is associated with Rajas. It resonated with 936 Hz. Maharishi Bhrigu brought the first stone from there.

The Ajna Chakra corresponded to Tapa Loka, the land of those eternally in Tapasya. The Ajna Chakra was the Chakra that association with Guru activates. The place where Guru applied Tilaka and ignites it. 852 Hz. Maharishi Chyavana had created the second stone from there.

The Vishnuddhi Chakra corresponds to Jana Loka, the land of the mind born sons of Brahmaa. They are gifted with the great ability to recite Vedas and teach them to others and those who were worthy of learning. Their throat and tongue are extremely fluent. 741 Hz. The third stone was empowered and brought by Maharishi Dhata which he gave to Mama as a wedding gift.

The Anahata Chakra corresponds to Mahar Loka, the land of great sages. Their hearts are forever set in bhakti. The greatest of saints who preach Bhakti stay there in addition to travelling to the world of their ista deva. They are extremely compassionate and live with such love in their heart that it completely takes over all the human being. 639 Hz. Shukracharya brough the fourth stone from there while being in complete bliss. He had carved out the depth of bliss on the stone.

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