8. Joining The Drama Company

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Music for the Chapter: Look at Her Now by Selena Gomez

Maya is such an amazing thing that it can bring the greatest of the tapasvis into its prison

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Maya is such an amazing thing that it can bring the greatest of the tapasvis into its prison. Sastha Anna is no beginner with maya. Son of Mohini, he is capable of controlling maya as he wishes. Son of Shiva, he can remove that maya from others.

Anna used the same maya to make us undetectable. Kama, himself, can easily enter the place as a blow of spring season. Patala was the place one would go if they wish to experience material pleasures. The greatest A1 facility is available if Patala for material pleasure. Kama himself is a form of pleasure so it isn't difficult for him to dive into Patala assuming the form of pleasure. Baba's act had made him capable of being Ananga meaning formless.

Both Anna and Kama are capable of doing that. Anna himself being a form of brahmatattva can any time procure into that form and camouflage into the creation.

We all got into Patala using the caves which we earlier planned to use to get into Patala. Angad, Omkara, and I were crawling through the caves while Anna and Kama were ahead making sure the path was clear.

I felt something crawls up on my knee and I instantly jumped away, pushed up against Omkara.

"Something just crawled up my knee..." I exclaimed.

"Might be just some insect. Calm down."

"Calm down???!!!" I exclaimed, my anxiety kicking in. Nothing can be more disastrous than an insect entering my pants. "No...." I started to panic.

"Shhshh... calm down. Calm down. This is an age-old cave, what are you expecting? There will be some lizards and insects."

"Don't. Don't do that." I dared him to try and disturb me in such a manner. "You just can say that to a girl that there can be creatures that can crawl up inside her clothes."

"Okay... Okay... calm down. Stop panicking. Do you feel any movement now?"

"No. But how do I know it is gone???"

"Keep crawling. You'll know eventually."

I turned to give Omkara a look. His hair was messed up slightly. A bit of dirt accumulated on his hair. A bit of mud smeared on his cheeks and neck.

"No... nooo..." I complained.

"I'm sorry Sonakshi but unfortunately, I cannot carry you to keep you safe from insects and lizards."

We kept crawling through the caves. They got smaller and smaller as we crawled ahead. At one point, it was almost a struggle to even move in the cave.

"Why is it so damn small??" I exclaimed.

"Because it was built by Surapadman who could easily shift into a smaller creature." He answered.

I somehow managed to push myself through the small caves with much difficulty. It was like pushing myself through a small hole. Then I saw Omkara who emerged through the place. His arms were slightly injured from pushing himself through. A bit of blood coming from the injuries. A lot of reddish-black injuries from all the rocks. I hadn't thought of it. If I felt it so difficult to get through, he's slightly larger than me so obvious it would have been more difficult but he didn't complain.

The Clan of Bhargava (Part 3)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ