24. Lovebirds

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Music for the Chapter: Nee Chaaredu Kalle by Armaan Malika

Music for the Chapter: Nee Chaaredu Kalle by Armaan Malika

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Swarga was bustling with Devansha around. They were far on alert now, dealing with a large number of asuras. Far more Devansha were being dispatched to cover the mess.

"Sona!!!" I saw Harsh and dashed towards him.

"So, did we get anything?" I asked him.

"I was trying to think of any links that could tell us what we were looking for. As far as we know currently, there are stones but specifications, we aren't aware of. Like two stones are known as of now. One that you brought and second that Virat has in his possession. The one that Shukracharya has."

"The first stone was told to us by Maharishi Bhrigu. He had brought it from Brahmaloka." I added.

"Shukracharya is the common link in them all. I thought that before we find the stones, we have to make up the broken links in Virat's boons. So far, we know that it has to be two people but one person and secondly it has to be someone who died but still not dead. We've got both these conditions.  Even Virat must be aware of it now so he is trying to get himself safeguarded. Adi had captured some information from her time in Patala. Some scribblings from Virat's papers. Some recordings from his room."

"Anything we have found out?"

"Guru Bharadwaj and I were looking through them. We both think that he's trying to create a new weapon from the power from various stones. We need astras that can counter them. Like energy transfer of some sort but again, it has specifications. All these stones were previously worked on to retain energy. I spoke to Devashipli Vishwakarma about this stone that Virat has now. He said that it was a gemstone that was retrieved from Vaikuntha's river banks. It was found when they were consecrating a temple for Bhudevi underground. The gemstone was added to Sri Hari's crown after it was collected. It reached over to Shukracharya when Hari gave away the crown to him as Guru Dakshina for teaching Yashasvi." He explained.

It didn't make sense. Mama wouldn't just hand over his crown like that. Actually, Shukracharya wouldn't have dared to ask for his crown and take the risk of offending everyone. If Mama had taken offense at it, all of the asuras and Patala would have fallen into danger. Why would Mama so easily hand it over?

"Harsh, Mama isn't just some person. Why would Shukracharya run the risk of offending him? There has to be more to it than just the gemstone. A link we are missing. This link is what is connected to Virat's boon. Not the stone itself. Maharishi Bhrigu earlier said that he was working on an Astra that was taking energy transfer. So, they were transferring energy from one stone to another object which would become an Astra."

"The stone retrieved from Brahmalok can't be so easily used. For example if we mine gold from a mind, in raw form, it is not that marketable or usable. This gold has to go through certain treatment to become that gold which can be sold to jewellers. So, even those stones have to be energy balanced to be able to be attached to an energy reactor. Because the energies in them would vary in degree." He explained.

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