The Christmas Party

Começar do início

Taehyung snapped photo after photo, proclaiming things like "cute!" "adorable!" "yes!" "you're perfect!" He made us switch positions a few times until he was satisfied with all the photos. I released a deep exhale and checked the time.

"Ready to go?" I asked Jennie.

She agreed, so Jennie and I wrapped ourselves in our coats and stepped outside.

"Are you going to be cold?" I asked her.

"I'll be fine."

Who was I to question Jennie? I offered her my hand as we descended the stairs.

"You don't think I can walk in heels?" she teased.

"There's absolutely nothing I don't think you are capable of. But it is slippery from the snow."

She smiled and accepted my hand. I led her to the passenger side door and opened it. I cranked on the heater and tossed Jennie my phone to queue music.

"Ready for this?" I asked.

"I was born ready to fuck with Soojoo."

I laughed and I felt the tension melt away as we drove singing holiday music. When we arrived at the address on the invitation I thought we were at the wrong house.

"This is huge," I said.

"I guess that's what happens when you're the boss."

Jennie and I walked up to the house with our arms linked at the elbow and our hands stuffed into our warm pockets. Our breaths came out in white wisps. It was freezing. I glanced at Jennie but she didn't seem to be bothered. I opened the door to the giant house and we were hit with a wave of warmth. I took both our coats and scarves and hung them on the coat rack.

We walked into the giant dining room with food laid out all across the table. There was a bar in the corner equip with two bar tenders.

"This is impressive," I muttered.

"You really should go more work functions, even if it's for the free food and alcohol."

"You make a good argument. Drink?


We walked up to the bar and ordered two espresso martinis.

"I have to be honest, I have no idea what to do at these things," I confessed to Jennie, sipping on my martini. We stood on the fringes of the room and I observed everyone milling about.

"The first and most important step is to talk to all of the important people, laugh at things they say, and drink as much alcohol as you want to compensate for having to come."

I laughed. "I take it you've been to one too many of these."

"They're the worst, especially at law firms. You think jokes about lawyers are bad? Try lawyers making the jokes."

"They can't be that bad; you're pretty funny."

"I'm a rare exception that doesn't believe I'm the most important person in the room."

"Even if you are," I corrected.

"Even if I am," Jennie conceded with a smile.

"Should we go find my boss then and all those quote 'big-wigs from New York'?"

"Second rule of parties like this: you should be on your third drink before you approach them."


"Yes, to loosen up. You don't want to be too stiff., like you are right now"

"I'm not stiff!"

Jennie smirked and I conceded.

The Christmas Party Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora