"That you're ticklish and that you have a lot more sensitive spots than just on your neck."

She jerks her head back. "You just made that up."

I place my drink down after a few bitter swallows.

"You think so?" I raised my eyebrow as she bit back her laugh, I began stalking my way around the counter and towards her. "Do I need to test my theory?" I point at her neck.

"No!" She laughs making me grin. She playfully pushes me back when I reach for her. "Jonah, get back—"

Before she could finish her sentence there was three knocks at the door. Dramatically Audrey gasp and threw her hands over her mouth in shock. I chuckle and step back, making my way towards the door.

"Relax. I'll get rid of them."

"Jonah no!" She semi-whispered pulling on my arm. "Don't answer and maybe they'll go away."

They knocked again. I mush my eyebrows together noticing the panic on Audrey face.

"It'll be quicker if I go talk to them. Just relax and go hide in the bathroom or something." I assured as she groans.

I smiled as she tipped toed her way to the bathroom as if somebody could really hear her footsteps. Shaking my head I made my way to the front door. With my better judgement I glanced into the peep hole and stiffened.

What the fuck?

"Uncle Will." I muttered opening the door slightly.

"I need to talk to you." He pushed past me and stepped into the room. I mentally groaned as he stopped in the foyer. He glanced back and looked me over.

"When did you get back from Spain?"

"Yesterday." He says curtly. "I had some business I needed to handle. How was the meeting? I tried to make it but I was tied up."

"Fine. Richard thinks they can get it done within eight months."

"Eh." He shrugs. "I'll talk to him. We need this done before winter."

He begins making his way over to the kitchen, noticing it was two wine glasses on the table but only one was filled.

"That's not why I stopped by actually. I've been meaning to talk to you and Tim about any updates. I think I noticed something strange–"

"Actually," I cut him off. "This is a bad time right now."

He raised his eyebrow at me. "Why? Were you expecting someone else?" He ask looking back towards the wine glasses.

I shook my head. "No, I actually have a conference call with some guys I met down in Vegas. It's regarding the Disney deal."

He sighs. "Fine. Meet me in my office in one hour."

I nod in agreement as he shoots me one final glare before stepping out the room. I closed the door behind him and counted to three before jogging towards the bedroom.

"You can come out now."

I expected to see Audrey step out from the bathroom. Instead Audrey stepped out the linen closet across from the bathroom. I knitted my eyebrows together as she sighs.

"Oh my god. I've never related to R Kelly more." She placed her hand over her chest, she turns to look at me as I laugh. "Who was that?"

"Um..an old friend." I ran my hand through my hair and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Where have I heard that voice before?" She mumbled to herself.

"That would be here since you may also know him as the owner of this hotel."

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