Fight, transformation

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"Regrets? Like muggle hunting?"

"Muggle hunting?" Harry raised an eyebrow "Who told you that I hunted muggles?"

"It was Red" Adrian spoke

"Ah" Harry looked at Voldemort "your son was wrong" Many jaws dropped at Harry's reveal, Voldemort had a son? "What I did wasn't muggle hunting, it was surviving , it was necessary"

"Harry?" Adrian said

"Adrian, I'll explain everything later" Harry said to his brother "I promise, for now, just keep quiet and enjoy me beating up the worst dark lord that Britain has ever seen"

"I grow tired of this" Voldemort said as he aimed his wand at Harry

"As do I" Harry responded "let's get this over with, I want to at least kill Pettigrew before I escape. "

"How do you plan that?" Voldemort snorted "You're trapped here"

"True, but this trap has a great big mistake, an incredibly stupid and obvious mistake"

"Which is?"

"There's one thing you never put in a trap, no matter how sure you are of it working, you never ever put it in a trap. If you're smart, if you value you're continuing existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow then there is one thing you never ever put in a trap"

"What's that?"

"Me" Harry grinned

Harry opened his hands and blasted the gravestone using wandless magic. The gravestone that Harry was tied to exploded, covering him in dust and smoke. Voldemort fired a killing curse into the dust, but it was clear that he missed when Harry rolled out of it and jumped away from Voldemort to gain some distance between them.

Voldemort fired another killing curse, Harry ducked under it then aimed his hand at Wormtail. Harry's wand flew from Pettigrew's pocket into his hand, he then blocked Voldemorts bone breaker.

"Wandless magic?" Voldemort asked, clearly impressed

"Yep, I'm full of surprises" Harry nodded as he fired an eye gouging curse at Voldemort who blocked it

"That was a dark curse"

"You think I care?" Harry said as he dodged Voldemorts cutting curse, and retaliated with two cutting curses of his own and a bone breaker.

Voldemort blocked the first one, ducked the second one and swatted away the third. He fired another killing curse at Harry, who rolled out of the way and disarmed a death eater who he saw drawing his wand.

"Stop" Voldemort ordered his death eaters "do not interfere, this is between us"

Voldemort fired a cruciatus curse, followed with a binding curse and another torture curse. Harry rolled out of the way, and fired a cutting curse at Voldemorts neck, he then aimed his wand at Voldemort and a small arrow shot straight at Voldemorts face.

Voldemort blocked the first spell and caught the arrow with his free hand, he tossed it in the air and changed it into a snake.

"Kill him!" Voldemort ordered the snake, the snake charged towards the snake

"Stop!" Harry ordered the snake in parsletounge, Voldemort and everyone else froze

"A parsletounge?!" Voldemort shouted in rage "Impossible!"

"Attack him!" Harry ordered the snake and it charged at Voldemort

"No, stop!" Voldemort hissed "I am your master! Attack him!"

"I am not your enemy!" Harry spoke in parsletounge "Attack him!"

"I am your master!"

"I'm better looking!"

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