"Has he disturbed you before, Peter?" Bruce asked as he sat at his computer, looking at Peter's blood results.

"Yes, but he stopped for a while after he was supposedly threatened" Everyone slowly looked toward Tony, amusement evident in all of their faces, causing Tony to simply shrug with a smirk.

"Well, you seem to be healing fine," Bruce leaned back in his chair, "Just get lots of rest and lots of nutrients and you should be fine very soon."

"Now that we know you're alive," Natasha began as she shuffled closer to Peter. "When did you figure out our identity?"

"That's actually a good question," Clint spoke, "I thought we were being pretty secretive."

"Um," Peter cleared his throat, "I actually overheard Natasha telling Clint about how I was the 'texting buddy', so." Natasha immediately raised her hand, giving Clint a swift and hard smack on the back of the head.

"Why are you smacking me?" Clint complained, "You're the one that he overheard."

"He overheard me because you were being a dumbass," Natasha gave him another smack, "This is your fault."

"I think we should be glad that Peter found out," Wanda spoke.

"Wanda's right," Steve nodded, "If he didn't know our identity then he might've not texted us."

"And if he didn't text us, then he probably wouldn't be alive right now," Bruce confirmed as he wrapped Peter's stomach in a new bandage.

"This dumbass still should've been quiet," Natasha smacked Clint again, earning a glare from him. "He's an assassin for God's sake." In an attempt to avenge himself, Clint tried to smack Natasha back, however, was only promptly thrown onto the ground. Peter let out a surprised laugh, carefully leaning over the side of the bed to look at Clint groaning on the floor. All the Avengers looked toward the smiling boy, immediately feeling a little bit better after hearing his laugh.

"Mr. Dr Banner," Peter looked toward Bruce, "Why am I not healing as I usually do?" Peter motioned toward his body, "I feel like I usually heal a bit better than this. I've never needed stitches before, and this is not my first time getting shot."

"Have you been eating?" Natasha asked as she begrudgingly helped Clint off of the floor, "I remember you telling me that you need proper food in order to heal."

"Yes, I've been eating," Peter said. I'm not lying. I have been eating. Maybe not enough, but hey, at least I've eaten something. Natasha raised an eyebrow, and Bruce gave Peter a disapproving glare.

"I don't want to tattle on you," Bruce began, "But your blood results also showed signs of malnutrition."

"Okay, fine," Peter sighed, "I haven't been eating enough to fully utilize my abilities."

"That's good to hear because I've brought you tons of food," Pepper suddenly spoke as she appeared in the doorway with a large plastic bag in her hands. "Okay, not good to hear, but I got you food from that Thai place you like."

"Ms. Potts," Peter's eyes began to gloss over, "Thank you so much." He sniffled, "Seriously, thank you. This means a lot to me."

"Of course, Petey," Pepper gave him a gentle smile as she set the food down on a table, "Anything for you."

"I'll get you your food," Tony said as he started pulling containers out of the bag, "Looks like we have a large variety. What would you like?"

"Um," Peter thought to himself, "Is there pad thai?"

"Yep," Tony scooped some of the noodles into a paper bowl before grabbing a pair of chopsticks. "Here ya go, kid."

"Thank you," Peter carefully grabbed the bowl, giving Tony a grateful smile.

"Is there enough for us, too?" Clint asked as he peaked at the food.

"Yes, but leave most of it for Peter," Pepper confirmed, earning a nod and salute from Clint right before he dug in.

"Let's watch a movie," Tony said as he grabbed a remote. Peter was confused for a second since he didn't see a TV in the room, however, at an easy press of a button, the wall opened and a giant TV emerged. "Does Star Wars sound good, kid?"

"Yes," Peter quickly confirmed with an excited smile, "Yes, yes that's good. Thank you."

"Mhm," Tony hummed as he scooped some food into his mouth with one hand, and used the other to scroll through Disney+. "Any particular one you want to watch?"

"Nope. Whatever you want." Peter was thrilled. He couldn't remember if he ever told Tony of his obsession with Star Wars, but either way, he was happy that Tony wanted to watch it with him.

"I hope you're not expecting us to leave," Wanda teased as she sat on the floor, Natasha promptly following her lead and sitting beside her.

"I like Star Wars," Bucky confirmed as he plopped himself against the wall.

"This will be fun," Clint excitedly said, "When we're done eating dinner, can we make popcorn and get some candy?"

"I've already got some in the other room," Pepper spoke, sliding down the wall to sit next to her husband.

There, huddled all together watching Star Wars, Peter knew he'd be okay. May would heal soon, he'd heal soon, and he'd finally have people supporting his Spider-man hobby.


(A/N) One more chapter after this one! <3

I was very tempted to kill Peter, but I decided to keep him alive and give y'all fluff instead.

The final chapter will come out soon! <33333

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