Ch. 22: Important Questions

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"Should you let her know first so it's not a total shock?" Nappa asked, glancing around to make sure you wouldn't round a corner and bump into them.

"Of course not. She'll already be dressed in my colors anyway. I sent for some new armor to be delivered to her for the event."

"Wow Vegeta, you really thought of everything!" Nappa smiled. "I like this new side to you."

The prince chuckled at that, shaking his head in the process. "There are still a few things we need to get worked out, such as the food and desserts. I hope the chefs don't mind that we're changing things up!"

"Wow, you're sure chipper," Raditz frowned, walking up beside the prince and his guard. He had finally changed, back in his basic black guard uniform. "I don't see why."

"The hell are you talking about?" Vegeta laughed, looking back at Raditz. "This will quite possibly be the best day of my life!"

"You don't feel bad at all for making her cry?" The prince came to a halt as Nappa slammed into him with a grunt.

"You made her cry?" Nappa frowned. "Vegeta what the hell! She can't be a blushing bride if she's all blotchy!"

"Bride?" Raditz asked, unfolding his arms and raising an eyebrow. "What the hell are you going on about?"

"Nappa!" The prince growled, his tail twitching in agitation. "Would you shut it you buffoon!"

Nappa smiled awkwardly, bringing up a hand to run over his smooth head. "Well Vegeta I already let the cat out of the bag, sorry."

"Nappa this is why I don't tell you anything," he groaned quietly. The prince pinched the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes tight, sighing as his tail wrapped around his waist. "I spoke to my father. He's going to let me court her."

Raditz's mood immediately shifted as he grabbed Vegeta by the shoulders and laughed, startling the servants who were already confused as to what was happening. "No way! It's about time you came to your senses! She's going to freak out! You have no idea how upset she is right now thinking you're marrying someone else!"

Vegeta slapped Raditz's hands away as he glared at him. "What the hell are you talking about? How do you know that?"

"Well when she didn't come back to the training room me and Kakarot went to look for her. Neither of you were in your room, so we went to hers and she was laying on her bed crying! I was going to find her some food to make her happy or something-"

"Where is Kakarot right now?" Vegeta gripped the sides of his pants tightly, knuckles white as a ghost.

"Still with her I'm sure. You know how sensitive he is; he's good with stuff like this."

"Why that little-" Nappa grabbed Vegeta's arm before he had a chance to storm off.

"Vegeta, it's okay! Let him sit with her! You can finish getting the preparations ready while she's preoccupied!"

Vegeta shoved his hand away and glared at him. "There's nothing to prepare for if she gets so depressed she won't come out of her damn room!"

Raditz snorted as Vegeta shot him a look. "Well maybe she doesn't want to marry you in the first place."

Vegeta's veins pulsed on his forehead as he turned bright red. "WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN!" Raditz shielded his face from the prince's screams. "What, why wouldn't she want to marry me? I'm perfect in every way! Someone would kill to have me propose to them!"

"It was a joke, Vegeta! Geez, calm down!"

Vegeta crossed his arms and spun away from Raditz, trying not to punch him in the face. To say his nerves were fried would be an understatement. "A shitty joke at that!"

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