"Sure you got it!" Inosuke says.

"No!" I say as I get swung at. "We need to find a way to help him!"

"Shut up! You really need to shut up!"

"We can't." Tanjiro breathes heavy.

"He's asking us to kill him, all right?" He's says jumping back to Tanjiro and I. "These guys are speedy, too. If we get caught napping, we're going down too!"

"The threads gotten thicker and stronger here." I say watching the slayers movements.

"I know!" Tanjiro says. "Let me think! Just hold up a second!"

Then he takes off running, what is he doing?

"Tanjiro?" I question as I realize the girl is following him.

"Hey why are you running around in circles like that? Quit fooling around!"

Tanjiro stops and run into the girl tossing her over a tree limb. He has some impressive strength too.

"All right! You're all tangled up like I planned!"

"Wha- what's up with that?" Inosuke shouted. "I wanna do that too!'

Hm, I put my sword back and started running, three of them following me, stopping a few feet away I ran at them. Sliding underneath their legs, I jumped up grabbing their threads and pulled them along as I ran up a tree. I grunted with effort as I threw them over a limp.

"Amazing, Akari!" Tanjiro says.

"Not as good as me!" Inosuke laughs. "I can do whatever you can do!"

"My bad! I kind of missed it!" He says.


"I mean, you can't really blame me!" He says blade to blade again.

A few minutes later...

"Just look at that!" He laughs at me. "I've tossed up more than you!"

"Congratulations..." I mumbled.

"One more to go!" Tanjiro says.

"Okay. I'm gonna do it one more time so make sure you watch!"

"Go for it." I stand back.

"Try not to be violent!" Tanjiro reminded him.

The threads moved as their necks snapped one by one, I covered my mouth, Oh, my god. I started to shiver, this is massacre.

"Dammit! Now they're all dead!"

"This is bad." I blinked away my tears.

"Let's go." Tanjiro says in a dark tone.

"Yeah, good idea." Inosuke says as we take off again. Why isn't the core sending in a Hashira at this point? It's probably just us now and we have no idea how many their are besides the two we know of.

"There are two more scents!" I tell them.

"I detected that thing before you did! I'm gonna hack it's head right off!" He jumps up to form an attack but is shot right back down by a brute of a demon.

"Oh, shit." I say looking up at it.

"This thing...had no head!" He says as it's giant blade comes smashing the ground, I moved back quickly.

"This things got no weak spots! I can't slash something that's not there!" Inosuke starts to freeze.

"Inosuke!" I say.

"What do we do? What do we do?"

"Calm down! We'll inflict a monks robe cut on it! Let's try slashing from the base  of it's neck on the right side of his left waist! It's a lot to cover, and I'm sure it's really tough, but I bet..."

Inosuke shouted as he ran up to the demon.

"Hold up! In unison..."

"Oh, no!" I see as he gets several slashings across his skin, and threads attached to him. I ran in blocking the blade and used my demon strength to kick him back all the way into a tree, it fell down with a huge thump.

"H-holy shit..." Inosuke says a Tanjiro cuts him down.

"You're welcome." I mutter.

"Inosuke, Akari, let's fight together! Let's think together! Let's work together so we can bring down this demon! Akari, use that demon strength!"

"Yes." I nodded.

"Damn you! Don't make me any gidder than I already am!"

"Akari, when I say, jump as high as you can, aim from the top!" He says kneeling. "Inosuke, launch yourself off me!  Go!"

I turned and ran up a tree, flipping upsidedown as I rammed my blade down his shoulder as Inosuke cut his other arm off. I use the force of motion to turn myself and stabbed my balde through his chest.

"Tanjiro!" I shouted trying to keep him in place.

He turns and sliced threw the legs, his torse drops and I dropped to one knee.

"Now for the monks robe cut!" He shouted at Inosuke came down at the same time. My blade cuts upward and Inosuke came down the monks robe! My chest heaves as the body faded away like ash in the wind.

"All right! You defeated it, guys!"

I sighed, shaking my head. "Wild." I turned to Inosuke who stands up and runs at Tanjiro.

Here we go again.

"Anything you can do, I can do, too, dumbass!" He grabs him and throws him high into the air.

"Inosuke, that's not very nice." I tick my tongue.

"Shut up!" He says. "You're not stronger than me just cause he have the strength of a demon!"

"Yes, yes, I am."

"No!" He grabs me and tighten his grip on me, he was really stronger, he was still bleeding.

"Inosuke." I tried to move. "Let go."

"Fight me!" He roars.

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