Prologue, Part 2

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*** An Important Detail ***

It wasn't always like this.

There was a time, before the great war, of serene happiness. A time with no signs of rebellion, no hidden regrets. No fear, no looming darkness.

Clouds rolled like fields of daisies on a gentle summer's day, wrapping around the ankles of roaming angels. The sun shone brightly over their forms, kissing their skin. Somewhere within this scene of soft nothingness, two figures lay with one another.

Aziraphale had draped his plush body over Raphael's lap. Raphael, in turn, wrapped his wings around them like a shield. As Aziraphale plucked at the archangel's wings, a pair of dainty fingers ran through his tawny curls.

"If it's not too much trouble," Aziraphale began, lifting his head from Raphael's thigh to gaze at him. "I'd like to visit the Almighty's current project. I've heard it's her prototype for Earth - to see which pieces will or will not fit."

Raphael hums in thought, scratching his jaw. "I don't think it'd be much trouble. I've heard whispers about it, but I don't know where it is."

"Oh, don't worry about that, dear. If I heard correctly, it's in a star system somewhere east of Earth." Aziraphale smiles brightly, gently taking the archangel's hand.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

From that day forth, the two angels spent nearly a decade visiting and witnessing the prototype planet evolve. It became somewhat of a tradition, meeting on the planet's moon, just watching. There was seldom any need for conversation, so they often sat in comfortable silence.

It could have, should have been perfect. But Raphael grew distant. He started asking too many questions. He'd begun rebelling. A worried Aziraphale had tried to make the other angel see reason. To kill Raphael's curiosity.

He'd try, and he'd understand it was all in vain.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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