I'm walking past where bella and Edward are now talking "you love him" bella waits to answer "I love you more" I growl and walk further away as Seth walks up to them to let them know the battle is about to begin and I walk next to him I hear in the packs mind they just joined and I silent cheer on Embry as Jake arrived. Shortly after I feel a pain and drop whining and Seth comes to comfort me 'what's happening to me seth' I ask then all of a sudden the pain stops Edward speaks up "Jasper saved Embry from a newborn don't worry he's fine" I look at Edward silently thanking him and he nods Edward freezes after a minute "what's wrong is someone hurt?" Bella asks  "she's close I can hear her thoughts. Seth y/n go!" Seth and I run off but stay close behind and I run away from Seth suddenly to phase back and get dressed and wait near them again "she's not alone" I hear Edward say suddenly Riley comes into view

I gasp softly at seeing my childhood best friend "Riley listen ti me Victoria's just using you to distract me she knows I'll kill you" I see Victoria drop bear by and I come out slowly "Riley listen to him..  he can hear her thoughts" Edward doesn't take his eyes off Riley "she will be glad she won't have to deal with you anymore" Victoria looks towards Riley as Riley looks at me "don't listen to them Riley I told you about their mind tricks" I glare at Victoria then look back to Riley "Riley listen to me it's y/n remember our moms would set us up for play dates we would spend days together.. who do you want to believe me. Or her she's the one who took you away from your family they haven't stopped looking for you the entire time you've been missing..." Edward puts a hand in front of Bella as Riley slowly moves closer "they are lying Riley" Edward speaks over her "she only created this army to avenge her true mate James. That's the only thing she cares about not you" Riley looks towards Victoria with sad eyes and Victoria looks uncomfortable knowing she's been caught then looks to Riley "there's only you"  he turns back to Edward and I step forward "Riley think about it you're from the area you know your way around that's the only reason she chose you" I say quickly as I hear Seth growling softly ready to attack "she doesn't love you" Edward states "Riley don't let him do this to us you know I love you" 

Riley looks down and looks like he's processing everything then looks to Edward after glancing at me  and he takes a step closer "you're dead" he smiles softly and starts to rush forward until  Seth jumps out and grabs him by the shoulder and shakes him around then breaks his hand off by throwing him and biting down on his wrist  and Riley screams in pain then Victoria jumps down to run

"YOU WONT GET ANOTHER CHANCE LIKE THIS AGAIN" Edward yells as Victoria stops "you want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James.. when I tore him to pieces. When I turned him into ash when I turned him into nothing" I grab Bella as Edward taunts Victoria and I put Bella behind me

Victoria screams and rushes at Edward and they fall to the ground Victoria quickly getting up and throwing me against a tree and rushing to Bella but Edward grabbing her quickly as I lay on the ground in pain I look over to see Seth trying to kill Riley and Riley kicked him against a tree knocking him out "Seth!" I call out as loud as I can while holding my ribs in pain

I see bella looking around frantic as Riley and Victoria try to kill James and she grabs a sharp rock and cuts her arm with it quickly trying to stop them from killing Edward and that gives Edward the advantage he needs as he takes down Riley and Victoria Seth wakes up and soon rushes to grab Riley who called out for Victoria before she turned to Edward ignoring Riley's calls as Seth pulls him away and kills him.  Edward grabs Victoria and starts to rip her head off then turns her around and bites through her neck and just like that she was dead and I slowly blacked out due to the pain as I lost consciousness I see Seth coming to pick me up

I regain consciousness as we make our way back to the battle field and Seth puts me down near the forest edge as Edward asks how much time there is we see a newborn trying to sneak up on Leah and she goes to attack "LEAH DONT" we see the newborns arms around her neck and I try ti run forward but the pain is too bad and I fall jake ruses forward to help Leah as they roll the newborn gets his arms around jake and crushes his ribs "JACOB!!!" I yell as loud as possible which distracts the newborn long enough for Sam to kill him seth helps get me over to Jacob as Carlisle checks him out "all the bones on his right half are shattered " I sob a little as everyone rushed out "Jacob you idiot I had him" Leah says angrily "LEAH" Sam says loudly Seth oases me to Embry and I can tell he's feeling my physical and emotional pain  "we will take him back to Billy's" Carlisle nods "I'll be there as soon as I can to help both Jacob and y/n" Embry takes me to the forest he shifts and the others help me onto his back and I inhale sharply at the pain Embry whines

"Mine isn't as bad as jakes I'm fine Em" I say softly as he carefully runs to my dads house and takes me inside quickly laying me down on the bed

A while later Carlisle comes and fixes me up first just a few broken ribs and a broken arm which should heal in about 24 hours Embry stays by my side as we hear jacobs screams as Carlisle has to rebreak his bones "I hate hearing this em.." I sob silently into his chest "shh shh I know it's ok he will be fine I'm here" he says as he rubs my hair trying to soothe me soon the screaming stops and we hear Carlisle leave as Bella pulls up "he's asking for you" I soon drift to sleep not wanting to hear the conversation between my brother and the girl who caused this to happen.

-A/N: hello my lovelies I decided to do one more update before I get some sleep I hope you enjoy!!!!🫶🏼-

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