▸03 | Back and Forth

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"I'll see you later for dinner at the Great Hall Y/N." Amit waves a goodbye to you with a frown on his face when he begins his travel to Hogsmeade alone for a new cauldron. You refrain from frowning when you say your farewell to Amit. A sigh slips from your lips as you drag your feet towards Professor Binns classroom. Something tells you this afternoon in detention will drag. 

You're already feeling the urge to leave the moment you hear the laughter of Sebastian Sallow and the Hufflepuff student you witnessed last night. The two are already here sharing a table at the front right of the classroom. Not wanting to be near the two you take a seat at a table at the back left of the classroom. You quietly take a seat and rest your elbow on the table with your cheek resting on your open palm.

Sebastian props up a book to hold in front of the two. "Shall I pick up where we left off last night, Sarah?" The boy speaks in a husky voice. You want to throw something at the flirt when you hear Sebastian's words. Flicking your attention over, you quickly wish you didn't.

Sebastian tenderly holds Sarah's chin while placing a kiss against her lips. The girl blushes furiously with a nervous giggle. Sebastian must've sense your eyes on him when you see a smirk on his lips as he looks over to you from the corner of his eyes. Your eyes narrow on the boy with a look of displeasure. Your view of Sebastian gets blocked by a head of red hair. 

Someone rustles beside you, taking the seat next to you. Garreth Weasley welcomes himself to your table despite there being many other tables to use. Your attention strays over to the boy who looks exhausted. "What happen to you." You question Garreth with a raised brow. 

Garreth's eyebags are present and the shine in his usual green eyes are gone. "Aunt Matilda gave me an earful in todays class. I spent most of my lunch listening to her lecture my ear off while writing several times over how I'll stay out of trouble and focus on my studies. But I fell asleep after writing the sentence for the 50th time that she sent me to detention. I see nothing beneficial from being stuck in detention during the afternoon. Am I not just wasting time from studying like she wants?"

The boy slumps over on the table with folded arms as he hides his face in his arms. "I'm going to sleep. Not as if Professor Binns cares. Most of us already sleep during his lectures anyway. Wake me up when it's time for dinner will you Y/N?"

You part your lips to say something in response but the voice belonging to Professor Binns interrupts you. "Welcome to detention. I'll save the trouble on explaining why you four are here. All I ask is for some peace and quiet. You're free to study or what have you will during the time I must watch you four." Professor Binns floats over to his desk without looking at any of you. 

A happy expression paints on Sebastian's face upon Professor Binns words. Never having detention before, you did not prepare anything to kill time. Garreth is already sleeping away beside you while the two in front of the classroom are quick to continue their flirting. You hold back another frustrated sigh from leaving your lips. There must be something in this room to pass the time. 

Hearing the faint noises of locked lips makes you grind your teeth together. You'll have to find a way to get Sebastian back for this. He purposely got you detention so you have no where to go but suffer. The Slytherin boy seems to enjoy having detention this afternoon. "God I hate him." You mutter to yourself not thinking twice if Garreth is listening. 

"I agree. Sebastian thinks he's better than everyone else. Just because he's good looking, great at dueling, confident, and charismatic. Wait...this sounds more like I'm praising him." Garreth mumbles groggily beside you. The boy slowly lifts his head up to look over to you. Your eyes glance down to look at Garreth. 

"I thought you were going to sleep." 

Garreth shrugs as he rests his cheek on his arm, his eyes tiredly closing again as he whispers. "It's difficult to with those two smacking on one another. It's as if they've forgotten you and I are here too. Wonder how long this girl will last with Sebastian. He's always talking to a new girl every day." 

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