▸04 | "Kind" gesture

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"What in Merlin's beard are you doing Sebastian." Anne watches her twin brother toss one ingredient after the next in his cauldron. Sebastian, Anne, and Ominis are spending some time at the Undercroft before dinner time. The boy has been fuming since returning from his detention this afternoon. Anne notices the ingredients are familiar to the ones used earlier today during Potions.

"Wait a second. Are you making a batch of love potions Sebastian? What for?" Anne asks with a perplex tone. Ominis who's sitting quietly by the trio, raises an eyebrow.  

"A love potion? Professor Sharp advise us not to take any out of the classroom Sebastian." Ominis speaks in a stern tone towards the Slytherin boy. Sebastian ignores both Anne and Ominis as his focus is on mixing the brew together. 

"Professor Sharp only mentioned the ones we made in the classroom. He did not say anything about brewing a batch outside of his class." Sebastian answers curtly. A mischievous expression paints on his face when the color changes. "Just a few more minutes and this will be ready by dinner time."

"May we ask what you are doing with the potion? It's not as if you lack any skill when talking to girls." Ominis relaxes his raised brow with a monotone voice. The pale eyed boy brings his legs up to his chest for his chin to rest on his knees. "Or is this another prank on..."

"Y/N." Anne and Sebastian speak in unison. Anne shakes her head with a tiny smile on her face. "Did she do something to annoy you again Sebastian? This is two days in a row now." Anne sighs with a faint snicker. Sebastian scoffs with a roll to his eyes. 

"I'm only giving her something she asked for."

"She asked for a love potion from you?" Ominis sounds a bit unsure about that. His brows furrow together. Anne also looks hesitant that Y/N would request that from Sebastian. Sebastian purses his lips as his eyes stare intently at the liquid in his cauldron.

The boy clears his throat to answer Ominis's question. "Not precisely. In her words." Sebastian musters the best voice impersonation he can of Y/N. "You're only upset I'm not giving you the kind of attention you want Sebastian. The only way for me to fall for you is if you use a love potion on me."

With a content smile, Sebastian looks at Anne and then at Ominis. "Which is why I am brewing a love potion to use on her." 

"To prove her own words against you? Sounds like you are wanting her attention." Ominis mutters under his breath while blankly messing with the hem of his robe sleeve. Sebastian scrunches his nose and parts his lips to quickly retort back. 

"No Ominis. I am making the love potion to use on Y/N to make her embarrassed. It will be entertaining to watch her woo over me. Even more hilarious when I reject her feelings." Sebastian snickers to himself. Anne and Ominis share the same kind of expression.

One that's full of worry and suspisciousness. "Don't you think that's going a bit too far brother? Feelings are not to be messed with. Especially the feeling of love. Whether you are tricking her or not. When Y/N is under the love potion, her feelings for you will feel incredibly real to her."

Anne's words go from one ear and out the other to Sebastian. He's too fueled by annoyance of the self confident Ravenclaw girl. "How are you going to trick Y/N anyway? The girl is too clever for any of your tricks. Unless you plan to sneak one on her like you had during Potions." Anne changes the topic to one she knows her brother will answer to. 

"You'll see." Sebastian answers confidently.


"Sounds like you had a terrible time during detention." Amit says between bites of food at the Great Hall. You nod your head as you sip a spoonful of soup. Your cold body from the fall weather warms up slightly from the warm soup. "My trip to Hogsmeade went better than I expected. Asides knocking over a tower of cauldrons before selecting the right one." Amit awkwardly laughs as he scratches the side of his face. 

"Sorry I couldn't go with you Amit. I'll be more mindful of letting Sebastian irritate me so easily. I don't think I can last another afternoon in detention if he's there." You shiver in response. You're only thankful to have Garreth there this afternoon. 

Amit shakes his head as he pats your right shoulder gently. "No need for your apologies Y/N. I am capable of doing things alone without you. Even though having your company would've been more exciting than going alone." Amit goes back and forth with his own words. You quietly let the boy ramble on as you enjoy your dinner. 

But the peace is short lived when a particular voice sounds from behind you. "Amit! Did you ever get a new cauldron?" You sit up straight, resting your spoon down, and avert your gaze up. Sebastian Sallow stands there with a bright smile. 

A confused look casts over on Amit's face when Sebastian is talking to him specifically. Amit flutters his eyelashes and nods his head. "Y-Yes I did. May I ask why you are talking to me Sebastian? Do you need something?" 

Sebastian shakes his head. "Not at all. I just wanted to see if you can do things alone without Y/N around. Since I stole her away from you this afternoon." You narrow your eyes on Sebastian when he flicks his brown eyes over to you. 

Amit awkwardly chuckles under his breath, words failing him. Sebastian continues the conversation despite the air being tense. "As an apology, you can have these sweets made by Anne. She's great at baking." Sebastian stretches out his hand to reveal a bag of sugar cookies.

Amit readies to take the sweets from Sebastian but you find the gesture too suspicious. Snatching the cookies from Sebastian, you glare at the boy. "What did you do to the cookies Sebastian? I don't trust you at all to give Amit something out of the kindness of your heart." Sebastian remains wearing his irritable smile. 

"Go ahead and eat one yourself then Y/N. I have no ill intention towards Amit." Sebastian responds calmly. With Amit and Sebastian looking at you now, you feel the need to follow through. You sigh under your breath and open the bag. You sniff the cookies first. Nothing is out of the ordinary from the sugar cookies scent wise. 

You reach inside of the bag, grabbing a daisy shaped cookie. Breaking it in half, you see nothing filled in the center. Cautiously you look at Sebastian who looks far from anxious. You take a bite of the cookie with anticipation of possibly having an immediate reaction. But nothing happens. The cookie is nothing more than a sugar cookie. 

A minute passes with no reaction. Amit who looks stressed out, relaxes when you lower the cookies onto the table. "It's just cookies." You slide the cookies over to Amit who shakes his head and returns it back to you. 

"You can have them Y/N. I don't particularly like sweets all that much. But thank you for the gesture Sebastian." Amit looks over to Sebastian who nods with a smile. Sebastian then glances over to you, his eyes narrowing on your face.

"At least someone knows their manners in saying thank you. I'll leave you two be then." Sebastian returns back to the Slytherin table. You keep your eyes on Sebastian until he sits down with Anne and Ominis. The trio don't look suspicious at all. Glancing back at the bag of cookies, you stare intently at them. 

"Did he really not poison these?" You speak more to yourself than to Amit. 

"If you feel unwell in a few hours, I'll take you to the Hospital Wing Y/N. I'm with you on this one that what Sebastian just did was odd." Amit watches you take another cookie to test out. You break each cookie in half expecting one to be filled with something visible. Little do you know, Sebastian drenched the cookies in the love potion he's made. But it's no longer visible when it's soaked into the cookies.

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