Chapter 12: Audition

Start from the beginning

"What are you listening to?" He asked, sitting back down. Wasn't he supposed to go back? The song had changed to another sad song because I had it on a playlist. It was 'Wherever You will Go' by The Calling.

Cam leans in to hear the song as I give him the other earphone. We're silent for a second so he can recognize the song. The chorus plays and his eyes wave up to look at me.

"I like this song." He says. "Is this about Alex?"

My eyes roll. "Don't." Cam thinks I'm listening to sad love songs because of Alex, and he's right.

"If he makes you feel bad, tell me." He says in a serious tone. Why would he care? I don't have to tell him every single little thing that happens in my life.

The drama teacher calls for Cam to come up on stage and he stands but doesn't leave because he wants an answer. I look up and give him a smile.

"He didn't make me feel bad, it's complicated."

"Okay." He smiles back.

The doors open and Sam walks in. With Alex right behind her. Oh great, he's here.

Cam runs over to his girlfriend and gives her a kiss, Alex walks over to sit beside me on the left. My eyes look towards the stage to avoid eye contact. My mood was back to its aggravated state.

"Hey sorry I'm late." He says to me in a low voice. The actors go one by one on stage and audition for their parts. I ignore him.

"Hey." Alex shakes my knee causing me to look at him with a pissed off face.

"What." I scowl at him.

"What's up with you?" Did he really not know what he did? Guys were so stupid.

I squint my eyes at him. "How's Bethany?" His face doesn't change at my question, as if it didn't matter. I was hoping this would take him by surprise, but it did nothing.

"I don't know Millie, How's Colin? Or how's that college guy you made out with?" He spits at me. So that's what this was about? He was mad I was flirting with Colin all week and that I kissed a guy. Is that why he went off with a girl? To get me back.

"I used Colin to get us into the party. The party I invited you to and you said you couldn't go because you were grounded and yet you went out anyways?" He rolls his eyes.

"And the guy you kissed? Was that for my benefit too?"

I scoff. "It was a college party. I had to kiss him for beer. You really went out with another girl over that?" I don't need to mention that I actually kissed two guys that night.

He leans back on the chair to get comfortable and kicks his feet up. "We're not dating Millie. You're the one that made sure of that." So now it's my fault?

I ignore him and continue to watch the show. I know we're not dating but I thought that's where we were leading. He made it seem like he would wait for me to decide but then he had to go and get jealous over something stupid.

Kimmy gets on stage and Alex claps loudly. "Go Kim Kim!" He was such a supportive friend. She nails her audition and never skipped over her lines.

"Cam's the prince, isn't he?" He looks over at me. I stay quiet. He continues talking. "He plays the prince every year, you would think they'd let someone else have a shot."

I turn my head to look at him.

"Why don't you audition?" I ask, letting my anger go.

He laughs. "Yeah, me up there. Can you imagine?"

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