Chapter 7: Cameron

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That following Saturday, Kimmy and I met up at Krazy Kartz with our dates. I wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. My plan was to have the date and then tell Danny I wasn't feeling it at the end. Was it mean? Maybe but I wasn't into him, so it had to be done.

I was wearing low rise jeans and a tube top. The Bellmount guy, James, brought Kimmy flowers and offered to pay for all her rides.

"He's showing you up." I tease Danny, who brought me nothing.

"Don't worry I'll make it up to you." He winked.

We had got in line for go-karts and waited for the people in front of us to finish their race. James was getting too comfortable too fast with Kimmy, as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Danny better not get any ideas. James was on the shorter side and his blonde hair was bleached from the pool. The racetrack was very loud from the sound of the motors and wheels scratching on the pavement. It looked like so much fun that I could hardly wait to jump in.

"We should place bets on who wins." James looked at us.

"What does the winner get?" I asked. He smiles wide and looks at Kim.

"Their dates get a kiss." I roll my eyes.

"Deal." Danny says, bumping his arm with mine. Great, now I have to win.

I know I'm not entirely open with the idea of giving him a chance, but I had many reasons. One huge one being my sister Priscella. Even though we weren't on speaking terms at the moment I wanted to respect her wishes. I'd give her Danny. Good guys were boring anyways.

"If the girls win, we get stuffed animals." I point. Kim nods her head.

"Yes! I want a bear." James groans but agrees. He thinks he's still going to win. Not on my watch. There's no way in hell I'm kissing Danny. I flick my eyes up in determination, the black wing I drew on was extra perfect today as well as my dark brown eyeshadow. I have the dark emo hot girl look done to a science. It's not too goth but just enough to show I'm not one to mess with. This was where mom and I differed. She was the popular cheerleader in high school, and I am the complete opposite. I'd do just about anything to make sure I wasn't like her.

The race ends and the line moves up again. A couple of kids run out of their cars and straight to the trash can to throw up. Gross. I grimace at the sight of puke as I watch them. Throw up is so disturbing, it's just your old lunch coming back up.

What the hell! Across the park I see Alex and Cam walking towards us. Why are they here? This is a double date, not a double date plus two dudes.

"Kim. Why are Alex and Cammie here?" I whip my head quickly at her. She looks down like she just got caught stealing, twiddling her thumbs.

"Oh, I invited them. Alex said he was bored, and I felt bad." I narrowed my eyes on her. Is she lying? My eyes slid over to check on Danny, who looked a little aggravated.

"Great. The more the merrier." He gritted between his teeth. This better not end badly. The boys make their way through the line with smiles as they get to us.

Cam slaps Danny's back when he approaches. "This is so weird?! Alex and I were just on a date too!" He laughs. His hands are up to say, 'what are the chances?'

"How did you guys know this was my favorite date spot!" Alex snickered at me. Does he seriously have to look this hot? His backwards hat was killing me. I don't want him to think his presence affects me in any way, so I need to act aloof. Even though having him near me has me thrown off guard.

I cross my arms. "You're cutting in line." Looking in the opposite direction.

"They won't mind." Alex stands next to me. "Stop pouting." Playfully nudging me in the back, causing me to smile a little. Gosh darn it if he isn't the cutest thing ever. Having him here was actually a relief because I was so bored with Danny boy already. My mood has risen once again.

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