Chapter 3: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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After school, we all packed ourselves into Cam's Lexus to head to his house. By all, I mean Kimmy, Marco and I. Alex was nowhere to be found. This annoyed me by all counts. I was hoping to flirt with him as soon as we met up in the parking lot and was disappointed when he was absent.

Cam lived in a nice rich neighborhood; a hell of a lot nicer than mine. The houses were huge like mansions and trees were spread all over the block. Neighbors walked their dogs on the sidewalk, waving at passersby. I've never seen such a quiet street. I was used to loud parties and kids playing outside till midnight.

We pulled into his driveway, and he pushed a button on his visor for the garage door to open.

Rich people things.

"My mom's working a double shift tonight, so we have the house to ourselves." Cam says as we enter his house from the garage. His mom worked as a nurse and was always working late, and his dad ran a restaurant that had him working late as well.

"Aw no Mrs. Lee, I love her." Marco prances, staying by Cams side. Everything in his house was perfectly decorated and polished clean. Picture frames hung on the hallway walls as we made a right towards his basement. One picture in particular caught my eye. It was a portrait of his family with a very handsome brother by his side.

"I know right?" Kimmy blushes at me when she notices I'm staring at the frame. Cam had a hot brother who looked like a GQ model right on the front cover of a magazine. He was bigger compared to Cam's lean stature, his muscles bulged out of his button up shirt and his face was chiseled with a crooked grin. He looked like trouble.

The basement had cement flooring with a couch in the middle facing a flat screen T.V. Sorta like a That's 70's Show vibe. Marco and Kimmy raced for a spot on the couch while Cam went to his record player. There was even a trophy case next to his T.V that held around 30 awards. He was definitely competitive.

"Let's play some music." He ruffles through his records, picking each one up then putting it back in the crate. "Yo Millie, I got Metallica." He pulls the album for me to see.

"What no way!" I go over to him with eagerness.

"Got a favorite?" He places the CD on the player, waiting for my response. I loved so many songs from that album, but one was my all-time favorite.

"Play 'Wherever I May Roam'" Following my pick, he sets the needle on the specific track.

"That's my favorite too." He beams at me. I continue to flip through his albums, seeing almost every genre known to man. A gospel album catches my eye, I pick it up and show him with a playful look. "It's my mom's I swear."

"Sure it is Cammie." He pokes his elbow in my side before leaving me alone to sit down. Cam sets up his PlayStation, taking out controllers and turning on the system.

It was unfamiliar for me to hang out with friends after school. Jackie and I hung out at my house or hers if we chose to spend time together but even then, we barely saw each other. I was always alone.

"Where's Colin?" Kim asked as she slid her body on the floor to get a better seat of the game. The coffee table was low enough for her to rest her elbows over.

"He's probably still in class." Cam answered as he chose his player. Marco lays his entire body on the couch like Rose from Titanic.

"Your brother is so hot." He gushes. Cam is unfazed. He didn't like the topic of conversation. "I dressed cute for nothing." He teased. Now I want to meet this infamous brother of his. A college guy sounded so tempting.

Suddenly footsteps of heavy feet are heard. "Daddy's home!" Alex enters the room with his arms open wide. He's holding two grocery bags full of snacks. My heart skips a beat. I thought he wasn't coming but here he is.

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