Chapter 10: Musketeers

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As an honorary, full fledged member of the group now, it was my duty to make Kimmy feel better after getting wrongly burned by that asshole. And as her girl best friend, I had to put my life on hold to ensure she was okay.

So I had let Cam know that this weekend was all about Kimmy and that we would spend everyday with her just like we did over this past week. During lunch we would take the whole hour to make her laugh and after school we would go out to eat.

And since today was Friday it was the perfect time to go all out by throwing a sleepover. We planned on eating ice cream, sharing feelings, playing games and having as much fun as possible.

Cam and I even recited her favorite movie 'Sleepover', so that we could put a show on for her. I played all the girl parts and he played all the boy parts, plus the mean girls. Alex had not made it over to hangout yet so it was just us and Marco.

"Millie, you're killing me here. Your lines need passion!" Cam is coaching me in the back of his basement where the whiteboard was. He wanted our show to go off without a hitch and I wasn't taking it as serious. Kimmy and Marco are sitting on the couch eating ice cream and playing Call of Duty.

"Excuse me? My lines have passion, it's your lines that lack luster and are unbelievable." I fire back. Our bickering had been going on for a while.

"Unbelievable?! I'll have you know my mom said I remind her of Meryl Streep."

I laugh. "A woman Cam?"


"Of you being compared to a woman! Yeah I'm seething with jealousy." I mock him.

He crosses his arms. "I knew you were jealous of my talents. You buttered me up, just to pull the rug right from under me."

"Are you always this full of yourself or just on the weekends?"

"I'm a confident guy, Millie willie."

Kimmy turns around to look at us. "Will guys just shut up and do the show?" We had been practicing for over an hour but it was better to just wing it and have fun. I grab his hand and direct him to the front of the couch.

"Ladies and Gents, are you ready for the show tonight?" I talk like an announcer.

"It's a great one! We have big names this evening." Cam goes on.

"Yeah we got Cameron Lee, who you may know from his shows at school." I say.

"And Millie Gomez from her shows in her bedroom." He adds.

Kimmy and Marco throw popcorn at us. "Start already!" They yell. We began the show with our best acting, running around back and forth between many characters. He pretends to be the funny dad and I played the mom and the daughter at the same time.

Kimmy laughed throughout the whole performance and everytime we forgot our lines she'd yell them out to us. It was so much fun and it felt like I was 10 years old again. Except this time I wasn't playing by myself or with my sister, I had friends.

Once the show was over we fell to the floor with exhaustion. Cam and I had put in a lot of work and we sweated like crazy. He brushes his hand through his sweaty hair and wipes his upper lip with the bottom of his shirt. Giving me a great view of his abs.

"You guys did amazing, thank you so much!" Kimmy smiled at us.

I get up and take the ice cream from the table to share with Cam. He immediately grabs my spoon and starts to eat a lot.

"Millie, you're just as dorky as Cam." Marco started. "He used to be the weirdest kid at school with his Pokemon cards and braces."

"Awww Cammie was a nerd!" I tease him, taking the spoon back so I can eat the rocky road.

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