*~* Chapter 3 *~*

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Merlin's POV:

Three weeks had passed since I'd arrived in Erebor and If I'm honest I was falling more and more in love with this enchanting mountain kingdom but in my heart I still remembered Camelot and the one I loved. This morning was another cold one a fresh layer of snow had fallen over night but inside the mountain it was always warm from the constant heat of the furnaces in the forges, I'd gotten up early to watch the sun rise over the top of Ravenhill in the distance I could also hear the bells ringing out in Dale signalling the beginning of a new day.

Once I was dressed I left my room and made my way down towards the great hall where Thorin and the dwarves were having breakfast, Kili looked over to me and said 'Merlin over here I saved you a chair' I quickly walked over and sat down beside Kili. 

Dwalin looked at me and said 'Eat up Laddie we have guests arriving soon' as I sat and ate I kept wondering who this guest was and why they were coming, once everyone had finished eating Thorin handed me a box and told me to go and change into the outfit in the box and then to meet them on the bridge of the gate in 5 minutes. I rushed back to my chambers and took the lid off the box revealing a tunic made from the finest dark blue velvet and a gold chainmail over coat, once I was dressed I glanced at my reflection in the mirror one last time before walking out of my room and up the long corridor to the bridge of the gate.

As I got to the bridge of the gate I noticed that all the dwarves from Thorin's company were up there I stood beside Kili and Fili and waited for the guests to arrive. Eventually a guard in the tower shouted 'My king our guests approach from Dale', my gaze shifted to the road that came from Dale and I saw a very familiar banner of red and gold flying in the wind plus the unmistakable red cloaks and I knew it was Arthur and the knights.

Arthur's POV:

Myself and the knights had been travelling for three days and three nights and finally we'd reached the city of Dale and as we came out of the gate on the south side we saw the lonely mountain rising high into the clouds, as we got closer I noticed the King and a group of dwarves stood on the battlements. The gates opened and myself and the knights rode into the inner hall of the mighty mountain we each dismounted our horses and watched as King Thorin descended down the steps from the battlements. 

King Thorin approached me and said 'Welcome to Erebor Prince Arthur' I reached out and shook his hand and replied 'Thank you for allowing myself and my knights to come and see Merlin, where is he anyway' footsteps coming down from the battlements caught my attention and there he was my Merlin safe and well. Merlin stood at the bottom of the steps I was so relieved that he was safe and looking so well to, I wanted to run to him so badly and hold him in my arms but I had to remind myself I wasn't in my kingdom right now but I think King Thorin must have seen how I was looking at Merlin because he cleared his throat and said 'Come let's leave Merlin and Arthur alone, Kili, Fili perhaps you could show the knights to their chambers'.

Once everyone had left the hall me and Merlin both ran towards each-other and embraced in a warm tight hug, as we separated from the hug I stepped back and said 'I've missed you so much Merlin, when I found out that my father had sold you I thought I'd never see you again. The dwarves they haven't hurt you have they?', Merlin let go of my hand and looked down at the floor as he said 'No of course not they've been very kind to me, it was your father that hurt me Arthur. Sorry I just don't want to talk about your father right now, I want to show you something'.

I followed Merlin through the halls of Erebore my eyes gazing around in amazement at the beautiful underground city, eventually we came to a room which I guessed was Merlin's bedroom. I was curious about the view from Merlin's balcony so I walked out onto it and gasped in wonder at the sight of the forges the sound of hammers ringing echoed through the mountain and the constant heat from the furnaces rose banishing all chills.

Merlin's POV:

Arthur was stood on my balcony completely lost in the view of the forges, I didn't know how long he was staying for but I didn't want to spend it with him staring at the dwarves working in the forges and mines so whilst he was busy looking I removed my shirt and threw it at him to get his attention. He turned around and said 'Did you just throw your shirt at me' a smile lined my face as I replied 'Yes Arthur I believe I did. You know the bed is extremely comfortable would you like to try it out'.

I woke the next morning to the sound of the forges firing up and the hammers echoing through the mountain halls, I rolled over expecting to see Arthur lying beside me but I was met with an empty space. On the pillow beside me was a note from Arthur which just said 'I'll miss you Merlin' I tossed the note aside and jumped out of bed running through the halls Kili was stood talking to his uncle when he saw me running past him he turned and shouted 'Merlin', I'd just made it up onto the battlement in time to see Arthur and the knights riding off into the distance their red cloaks waving in the wind and in this moment I felt anger towards Arthur and his father.

Bofur's POV:

I'd been taking care of the horses when the young Pendragon prince and his knights walked in and readied their horses, I smiled and said 'Good morning sir. Are you leaving already, Merlin isn't up yet should I go and get him'. I thought he the Prince would want to see Merlin before he left but he shook his head and said 'No we have to get going I must return to Camelot and my father'. 

I took a deep breath and said 'But sir Merlin has missed you so much can you not stay for another day' he bought his horse out of it's stable and began walking towards the hall as he said 'No we have stayed long enough, I have my duties to attend to in Camelot'. I watched as he and the knights walked out into the hall and mounted their horses I ran out and said 'Please Prince Arthur you cannot leave without saying goodbye to Merlin, he loves you can you not see that'.

The young prince glared at me and sharply said 'Of course I can but this is where he belongs now, maybe we'll meet again but for now it's better this way'. As soon as the prince and his knights had left the mountain and the gates had shut I heard a sound that broke my heart, I turned around and saw Merlin running down the lantern lit corridor shouting the prince's name, he made it up onto the battlement just in time to see them riding away over the mountain. 

I walked up the steps to the battlements and saw Merlin pacing back and fourth I slowly approached him reaching my right hand out towards his left shoulder but as I touched him he turned around holding both his hands up and as he said 'Get off me' I felt a powerful force pushing me away and Merlin screamed so loudly that any glass windows nearby shattered into shards  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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