Bruise 1

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Love has been said to make you see others differently, make you do crazy things you wouldn't normally do. Sometimes, we wish we could have the answers to these mysteries, but in the end, I guess that's what makes love so interesting.

"Hello, Earth to Baekhyun."
I snapped out of my daze to see my friend Luhan trying to get my attention."A-ah, yes?"

"Is everything okay Byun, did you even hear a thing that I have said to you just now?"

He then walked in front of me and inspected my face, I looked away and suddenly felt my cheeks turning into a bright red.

"Y-yes, everything is okay! Anyways, sorry if I wasn't paying attention, Lu. " I chuckled, walking past by him, as Luhan kept glaring at me.

"If you say so," he sighs, "So how is everything between you and Sehun? Still keeping your relationship a secret?" Just by hearing that was enough to ruin my mood, back in highschool we were know as the student's likely to live a happily ever after, but after we moved in to our dormitory  together last year he began to act differently, he became more distant towards me, asking me to leave the dorm room and spend the night elsewhere. I was genuinely curious as to why his behavior had changed. That was until Luhan showed me multiple pictures of him leaving our dorm with other people.

"Y-yeah..." was all I could respond with, I can't deny that I don't want him to do those things, I have tried getting him to stop multiple times, it usually ends with him becoming physically aggressive and or calling me names, I tried talking to Luhan about these issues, but it only made things worse between Sehun and I.

As Luhan and I continued walking, I bumped into someone in the middle of the hallway, "Are you okay?" My ears perked to the familiar voice, slowly looking up to meet with the eyes of the man that has been causing me so much stress, Sehun, "Y-yes I am okay." I say as he fixes my sweater vest, "I know I'm irresistible, but you got to watch your surroundings, sweetie." He says as he laughs, Luhan scoffs at his response, " If you truly did care -" "I will, don't worry about it!" I respond back cutting Luhan off mid sentece. Sehun pats my head and walks off. "I could've given him a peace of my mind." Luhan says as he lifts up his fist, I only shake my head and laugh it off as we both start heading to our final class of the day

I patiently waited at the patio by the university for Sehun's arrival, watching many students rushing to either go to their dorms or their evening classes, sighing out of stress I began to walk around the bench. "Can you stop that? You are making me anxious as well."  I looked behind me to see a smirking puppy, "It's a public space, I can pace around all I want" I retorted whilst I continued walking around the bench, "To begin with, who even are you" I glared at him as I brought my pacing to a halt. "Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol, first year in fashion design."

"Byun Baekhyun, second year in fashion design as well." I answered, taking a seat on the bench. "Care telling me what got you so antsy?" I stayed silent, wondering wether or not I should ignore him, " I get it, a stranger asking for your life story does seem a bit odd, but it can definitely help you on getting unbiased opinions! I always love getting opinions from strangers when it comes to my designs." He pulled out his notepad from his bag and begins flipping through pages and pages of his outfit designs, "This one here is my personal favorite, I think this design will look amazing on you!" He chuckles at his own words, " Point is, you can always confide in me Baekhyun, I will never judge and will always give unbiased answers" Grinning widely, I laugh a little at his response, " I think that outfit needs more pink, but thank you for your concern Chanyeol" I laugh a bit

"Want to get some ice cream sometime? I know this really great ice cream parlor nearby here!" Chanyeol states as he jumps up from the bench trying his best to immitate a puppy face, "He has plans already" Sehun said as he pulled me close to him, suddenly the place felt tense as Sehun was glaring at Chanyeol. "Maybe next time then, I will leave you two to it then!" Chanyeol grabs his bag from the bench and waves at me, "It really was nice meeting you, Baekhyun! I really hope we can get ice cream next time!" I waved back at him and smiled back. As his back became distant, I turned to look at Sehun, "So what do you want?" He asks with annoyance, "Can we head back to our dorm, please, together." I asked as I reached his hand, he slaps my hand away and proceeds to walk back to our dorm together, I can't say that I am saddenned by this, but as long as he is mine, I don't mind...


"Care to explain why you were talking to a guy while waiting for me?"

"He randomly came up to me and started talking..." I sat on his bed, "I'm sure he spoke to you out of pity. I mean, who would want to be seen talking to someone ugly as you? Obviously, other than me and Luhan, that is." He smirks as he sits next to me, he gently place his hand on my thigh and pulls me in for a hug, "Baekhyun, you have to realize that others will always take advantage of you, they don't truly care for how you feel, the only thing they care about is just using you dry."

As I was about to speak I felt his warm hands sqeezing my cheeks with a strong force, "I never want to see you talking to that boy ever again Baekhyun, and if you do, well let's save that part for when it happens." He smirks at me, releasing my face from his grip. "I will only agree if you do me a favor then."

"What favor may that be?" He responds with clear annoyance
"I want YOU to stop meeting up with other people as well." He looked at me, surprised. "Wow, you really never learn, do you? I am sorry that people like me more Baekhyun, I can't stop that, I don't freak everyone out like you do, I don't cling on to people like you, more importantly I am not as hideous as you are." Sehun walks over to his closet and brings out his pyjamas, "You really are asking a lot out of me Baekhyun, I don't think I can ever be with someone like that, I need my freedom."

"B-but you just now told me to stay away from Chanyeol, isn't that just you being a hypocrite?!"

"I asked you not to be around him for your own safefty Baekhyun, but you are asking me to avoid almost every one of my friends out of pure jealousy." He sat back down right beside me, "You really don't want us to break up, right?" He asks with sincerity, or at least I think it's sincere. " I really don't.. b-but-" "Then there's nothing else for us to talk about then sweetie, shall we sleep then?" He lays down on the bed and taps the empty spot next to him, "I can't with this Sehun, I am trying my best to understand where you are coming from, but I really can't, I just can't!" I got up from his bed, grabbed my bag, and walked out of our dorm, Ignoring his calls to me, I left the dormitory.


"HE SAID WHAT?!" Luhan shouted as I poured myself a shot of Soju, "You heard me! Why do I always have to repeat myself~" I responded placing down the bottle, "I really can't believe that the Oh Sehun is finally getting some balls to take you out on a proper date, really explains why you called me crying to hang out." I laughed at little at his reaction, I couldn't bring myself to even tell him what really happened between Sehun and I, I don't want to have another lecture on how bad he is again. "I really can't believe it. Does this mean that the world will end soon?"

"Stop being so dramatic!" My head turned in shock to the familiar voice.

"Ah, you finally arrived slowpoke! Baekhyun, I want you to meet my younger stepbrother!"

Hello loves! How is the Rewrite? Did I change too much? Are these changes good? Is it bad? We will never know until I finally finish writing this story! Yes, it took me a while, but at least I finally came back to writing it

Again, thank you very much to purpletulips04 for making the wonderful cover for this story!

If you all can, please go check them out and give them all the support 🩷🩵

With Love


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⏰ Última actualización: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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