Chapter 6.

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Journey POV.
we was at the blind school having a get together. then some thing I never thought would happen. Mary had a baby and Alice was with him and there was a fire. that night every thing went up in smoke. after the funeral for my nephew and my second Ma. I went home and sit beside the Creek and I read the letter it said"Dear sweet and beautiful Journey. I hope this found you after you married to my son but if not I give you my blesseding to be with him. I know he doesn't show any emotions yet but he has like you since you two met. I wish you too will find each other. good luck. please look after my son. please if some thing happens and I pass before my time please know I will always love you and think of you as my daughter I didn't have." I cry myself to sleep that night. two weeks later.
next morning I get dress ^. I open the door to find Andy. Mr Garvey has started drinking and Andy came here. Pa was with Albert in sleepy eye. I had made cookies and took some in the loft. he was on my bed. I said"I made cookies and just thought you would like some. and some milk." I set them on my vanity. then I was going down the latter I heard him said"Thank you." I said"I'm always here. any day not just now. Andy please drink some milk." he did but Ma said"Journey please watch your sister. your Pa and Albert is back." I nod. she went out and came back in with Pa. he went up to the loft. then he left. I was cooking with Ma when Pa and Mr Garvey went to look for Albert. he was one to start the fire with one of his friends. I had burned my hand so I went outside to put my hand in the Creek. Andy was outside he said"what happen." I said"well I burned my hand." he held my hand as he wrapped it up I said"you didn't need to do that Andy." he gave me a little smile and said"I know but I want to I wanted to say Thank you and I'm always be here for you too." I nod. then that night he was going to use Albert's bed. I was brushing my hair when he said"knock knock." Laura said"yes Andy." he said"may I come in." I look at Laura she said"why." he said"Laura I just wanted to say good night to both of you." I shake my head and she said"you just did good night Andy." I said"night Andy." he said"night Journey." I got in bed and Laura said"he has it bad." I turn over and fell asleep.

Andy POV.
there is a new girl in class and Albert like her and I don't. she has her eyes on me. Journey has been more quiet. I was having lunch with Albert said"you like Penelope." I said"she alright I guess." he said"you think you could put in a good word for me." I did and Journey saw when she was all over me. I saw tears in those beautiful blue eyes. she went in. Albert wasn't so happy with me. Journey won't talk to me or Albert. I don't know how long I can last with out talking to Journey or Albert.
I saw Journey all Doll up and was walking with Willie. then it was time for the hog run. I did my best. I was happy for Albert winning then I saw him with Penelope she was being stuck up. I told her so she smack me good but I was good I had a piece of watermelon and I throw it in her face and walk away with Albert. Journey said"are you alright Andy." I smile and said"now I am." she smile as she gave me her piece of watermelon. I took it and it was sweeter than the one I had. I smile as Mr Ingalls let me take a walk I let every thing I was hiding out. then I read the letter Ma left me. "Dear son. if you are reading this I'm gone hopefully you are married by the time you read this but if not please Marry Journey. she likes you very much. I know you do too. please be the man you will become and have faith she will say yes. all them times we were talking about a boy she was head over for was you. I know you two belong together. but its your choice son. please look after your Pa for me. I love you Andy. your Ma." I'm fainly ready to move past it.

Journey POV.
it was Laura sweet sixteenth birthday. she fainly got what she wanted. I was watching Carrie dancing with Andy. when Willie ask me to dance. I smile as I took his hand. he said"Journey." I said"hmm." he said"please look at me." I did and he said"do you want to maybe um." before he can get what he wanted to ask me out of his mouth Andy walk up and said"Journey may I cut in." I blush and said"sure Andy. see you around Willie." Andy grabbed my hand and we dance until the last song. then we was getting ready to go home but Andy said"Mr Ingalls may I walk back with Journey." he smile and said"of course have fun you two." as we walk I said"not that I don't like walking with you but why." he said"it is a prefect night for a little walk." I said"oh okay. well good night Andrew." I went in and got ready for bed. Laura said"your next Journey so who will be the one." I turn over went to sleep.

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