"Baby... I mean Hyunjin, are you serious?" Seungmin asked in a concerned tone. "Ooh you called him baby!" Changbin said, teasing. "Shut up, he's my boyfriend. I can call him whatever I want." Seungmin said aggravatedly as he blushed. "Yeah but you never call him pet names around us. It's cute to see." Changbin said grinning. Seungmin ignored him as he turned back to Hyunjin and asked in an almost whisper "Are you really going to jump from there? What if you get hurt?" Minho and Chan snickered as they eavesdropped. "I will be fine, if I get up there and it doesn't seem safe then I won't jump okay?" Hyunjin replied in a hushed tone as he squeezed Seungmin's hand in reassurance. All of the boys except Seungmin, Minho and Jisung climbed up to jump from the waterfall. The three boys left behind all sat on a large rock with their feet dangling in the water as they waited for the other boys to join them. "You should have gone with your 'baby' Seungmin, I would have loved to watch you jump off a cliff." Minho said with a teasing smile. Jisung's eyes widened at the rude remark. Seungmin flipped off Minho before jumping into the water from the big rock they were sitting on. The water splashed up, getting Minho and Jisung wet. "Holy shit that's cold! I'm not going in there!" Jisung squealed. "Come on Minho, why don't you join me? I'd love to watch you drown." Seungmin said with the same smug smile Minho had before. "What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Are y'all in a fight or something?" Jisung asked as Seungmin laughed and swam away to wait for Hyunjin to jump in. "Nah, that's just how we talk to each other." Minho said, shrugging.

       Jisung raised an eyebrow and thought 'Maybe Jeongin was right and he does act like that with everyone...' "So you can't swim?" Jisung asked. Minho shook his head and watched as Chan dove first from the waterfall. All the boys waited with an eerie silence for Chan to come up for air. But he didn't. Jisung panicked watching the bubbles in the water and instinctively grabbed Minho's hand. Minho didn't react to it at first since he too was watching and worried for Chan. Seungmin swam over to where Chan had jumped in and suddenly he popped up out of the water. Chan grinned at Seungmin as he latched on to him playfully. Everyone yelled angrily at him for scaring them and Chan just laughed as he and Seungmin swam out of the way so the next person could jump. Minho then looked down to Jisung holding his hand but didn't move. After a few seconds Jisung pulled his hand back laughing nervously. The rest of the boys jumped down one after another until Changbin and Felix jumped together hand in hand. Everyone was swimming around, laughing and having fun when Minho turned to Jisung and asked "Can you swim?" "A little. I mean I am able to swim but not well, like I won't drown but don't expect more than that." Jisung replied. Minho got a devious look in his eye before suddenly pushing Jisung off the rock and into the water. Jisung went under and came back up yelling "WHAT THE HELL MAN?! IT'S FREEZING!" He then swam over to Minho, grabbing his legs. "Hey! Hey! I told you I can't swim! You can't pull me in!" Minho yelled. Jisung ignored his cries and pulled him into the cold water.

       He came up for air and leapt towards Jisung frantically. He wrapped his legs around Jisung's waist and held on for dear life. Jisung tilted his head back laughing loudly as Minho continued to climb up his torso like a wet kitten trying to escape a bath. "You can calm down now, it's shallow here. I'm standing on my flat feet." Jisung said, still laughing. Minho looked down to see Jisung was telling the truth and let go of him slowly to stand on the ground of the swimming hole. He blushed, feeling embarrassed as the rest of the group laughed too, having seen the whole scene. They soon moved on from teasing Minho as they got wrapped up in their partners. Felix kissed Changbin passionately as he pushed him under the waterfall where the water became more shallow. Now covered by the flowing water their figures could barely be made out. All anyone could see was Felix wrapping his legs around Changbin's torso as he continued kissing him. Chan sat on a rock shelf submerged in the water as Jeongin waded in the water between his legs. Chan leaned down, without a care in the world who was watching and kissed Jeongin's ear and neck with no shame before lifting him up into his lap to kiss him. Even Seungmin and Hyunjin were being lovey dovey. "Did you see me jump Minnie? It was so cool right?" Hyunjin asked as he waded in the deep end next to Seungmin. Seungmin brushed Hyunjin's hair from his face as he said pouting slightly "Yeah but I kind of didn't like it... what if you got hurt?" "Seungmin you are worrying so cutely for me, I like this softer side of you. I am going to have to do dangerous things more often." Hyunjin said blushing and giggling.

       "You better not." Seungmin said firmly as he grabbed Hyunjin's waist in the water and brought him closer. Hyunjin bit his lip as he said "Mmm and this side I like even more." He then kissed Seungmin's lips quickly before he could protest. Seungmin blushed wildly as he quickly glanced at Minho and Jisung in the shallow water. "Hyunjin! You know I don't like PDA!" Seungmin whined. "Then we should have taken the spot behind the waterfall." Hyunjin said grinning. "And what would you have done there?" Seungmin asked in a flirty tone. Hyunjin smirked and pulled Seungmin close to whisper in his ear. Seungmin's already flushed face turned an even brighter shade of red, giggling as Hyunjin continued whispering in his ear. Minho climbed out of the water and perched back upon the large rock from before. Jisung looked up at him from the water and asked "So is this how it is all the time for you?" "What do you mean?" Minho asked. "You hang out with a bunch of couples... you don't get lonely or jealous?" Jisung asked, looking at the different couples around the pool. Minho looked at them all one by one before answering "It doesn't really bother me." "Seriously? Come on, you are telling me that you are around these 3 pairs of love birds all the time and you don't wish you had someone too?" Jisung said. "I'm fine on my own. What can I say, I enjoy my own company." Minho said, shrugging. "I think you are full of it but I will keep my mouth shut since I don't know you well enough." Jisung scoffed. "You also assume I'm alone all the time." Minho said.

        "Well you are single aren't you? That's kind of the whole reason we got ourselves in this situation." Jisung said. "Yeah but I have my fair share of companions." Minho said with a smug grin. "Gross. So you probably got crabs or something huh?" Jisung said vulgarly. "Just because someone has a lot of sex doesn't mean they are dirty. I use protection and get tested regularly." Minho said. "Great. You are a real catch." Jisung said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "Hey are you slut shaming me? You're just mad because you got blue balls." Minho said, raising his eyebrows teasingly. "I happen to be in a very loving relationship with my hand. Thank you very much." Jisung said with a mocking smile. Minho laughed as he thought 'He's funny. I'll give him that.' "How would you like to have a loving relationship with my hand? Tonight, you make a move and we can see where things go." Minho said flirtatiously. "You know I think we should count these little remarks as you putting a move on me. I think I have won our little bet already. You want me, bad." Jisung said, smirking. "No way are we counting words as a move, a move requires action. Anybody can talk a big game but people have to be able to put money where their mouth is. I'm simply persuading you to make the move I can clearly see that you want to make." Minho said. "I think you are projecting baby, because the only move I want to make with you is 'away'." Jisung said sassily as he backstroked away towards the deeper end of the swimming hole.

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