Chapter 1 Meeting HIM

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Tanya's P.O.V

"Shit", I say as I put my phone on the nightstand. I'm late for work again, work starts at 8:00am and it's 9:45.

"Mr White is going to kill me, this is the third time in a row I'm late for work", I say while not fully remembering the events of last night.
I look around my apartment and realise that this is not my room.
"Fucking hell", I ran one hand through my hair, further dishevelling it.
"I just had a 1 night stand after the breakup with my ex", I said to myself.

I picked up my underwear, bra and clothes and ran to the bathroom to wear my clothes leaving the gorgeous man sleeping soundly on the queen sized bed.

After I left the hotel I went straight to work forgetting about taking a shower. I had called one of my friends to leave my work files at my favorite Café near my work place.

I was working for a small company which sent equipment to Maxwell Groups of Companies which was an entertainment company for the most famous people in New York.

I got a cab and checked my watch and it was already 10:30am. "Mr White is definitely firing me today, I've never been this late". I looked out the window and realised that I'm stuck in traffic and it's not moving. I paid the driver and quickly ran towards the Café.
I got my files and headed straight for the company and it was 10:45am. "Shit", I mumbled to myself.

I bumped into a hard body and my file dropped to the floor, "Can't this day get any worse", I say to myself picking up my files and not taking a look at the man in front of me. After quickly arranging my stuff, I gave the man a glance and apologized for bumping into him.

I reached work and Mr White's assistant told me the he wanted me in his office the moment I reached work. My hands started sweating, I was nervous if I was still keeping this job or not.
I knocked on his door, "Come in", he said in a heavy voice. I entered the office, "Sir you called for me", "Yes I did, now sit your pretty ass on the fucking chair before I do unspeakable things to you. "Yes sir" I said while stammering.

"Now Ms Anderson, I'm proposing this offer for you to keep your job or your fired", he said while smirking at me. "What is the offer, I'm sure I'm capable enough to do it", I said with desperation in my eyes.
"Sleep with me", he said with a stern face. I looked at him with a shocked face, like who does he think I am, a whore. "Pardon me, you said you want me to have sex with you?", I said as my blood started to boil. "Yes mi amor, I want to taste every inch of that pretty body of yours".

"No", I said with a mad face
"No?", "Do you really want to lose your job over one night with me?", he said while looking at me like I refused lottery ticket.
"Yes. I would rather lose my job than having sex with you" I said.
"Listen here Ms Anderson", he said while moving closer to my chair until our faces were inches apart. "This offer has no refusal, accept it whether you like it or not".
I started to get up when he forcefully smashed his lips on mine, the only thing I could think of is how many women in the company has he kissed. The thought of it made me want to gag.

I started whimpering, trying to remove him from me. He caressed my body and his filthy hands settled on my butt cheeks. He slapped one of them and i started crying. I didn't want to be raped. I had a future ahead of me and I didn't want it to be ruined by him.

As I tried to fight him off me, he grabbed me tighter stopping me from anyway I could have used to fight him.

As he was about to remove my shirt. A large figure appeared and removed him of me. I watched as the man i met earlier beat the hell out of Mr White.
The man left Mr White unconscious and turned to me.
"Nice to meet you Ms.......?" "Anderson" I said as I tried to regain my composure.
"I'm Trevor Maxwell and I suppose you were about to get raped by one of my equipment supply's company" he said while point at the unconscious body.

"Yes", I said trying to not gawk at how handsome this man is, his eyes were a deep blue that I could stare at all day. His abs you could see them through his tight fitting shirt. His hair was a dark chocolate colour that looked so soft. His pants fitted him so well. I felt hot at the sight of him.

"You can stop staring and we could be on our way out" he said with a stern face
"Okay", I said as my cheeks started heating up from embarrassment.

The Black Tiara Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ