Chapter 54

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The Tenant (Rough Guy H)" 54. I'm afraid you'll fuck me... (1400+ collections)

She is very tired now, and her whole body is sore, especially her lower abdomen and legs... and she still has some pain there...
Cheng Yaokun thought she would simply agree, but she didn't expect her to refuse, so she couldn't help but frowned .
"Then go out at night."
"!!!" She didn't dare to go out in the afternoon, and at night? !
Seeing that she was silent, Cheng Yaokun, who walked to the corner of the backyard, stopped and turned to look at her.
"Don't want to?"
", I'm just afraid that my mother won't let me out." "
...your mother is really strict with you."
He Lu could hear the sarcasm, and her face was a little hot.
Because in fact, her mother is not so strict with her. If she really wants to go out at night, as long as she says she has an appointment with a classmate to go shopping, she will leave on her feet, as long as she doesn't come back too late.
He Lu rolled her tight throat, and said in a low voice, "Yeah, it's not that my mother is so strict with me..." "Oh, it's because you don't want to
go out, right."
He Lu held back, "I I'm afraid you'll fuck me..."
As soon as she finished speaking, Cheng Yaokun replied, "Don't worry, I won't fuck you." "
..." She believed him a ghost! He said this to her many times yesterday!
Seeing that she was silent, Cheng Yaokun frowned again, "What do you mean by not talking?" "
Uh...just, just tell me, don't believe men's nonsense, including you..."
The more He Lu said, the lower her voice , when the words 'including you' came to the end, the voice was almost in his throat, but Cheng Yaokun could still hear it very clearly... What is
it called? Dig a hole for yourself to jump? Or is it self-inflicted?
He freed his hand and scratched his temple with his little finger, then took down the half-burned cigarette on the tip of his teeth and threw it on the ground to extinguish it. Without saying anything, he continued walking with He Lu on his back.
As soon as he didn't speak, He Lu felt a little uneasy.
"Are you angry?"
"..." Why didn't she believe it at all...
He Lu didn't know what to say, her delicate eyebrows were slightly frowned.
Cheng Yaokun carried her all the way to the entrance of the main hall before putting her down.
He turned around and looked down at her, "Then you fall asleep first, get up and call me." "
Cheng Yaokun didn't say anything, turned around to leave, He Lu quickly lowered her voice and stopped him as if remembering something.
"Hey—wait for me."
He stopped and turned to look at her, only to see her running lightly into the main hall.
In just two minutes, He Lu came out, holding a brand new light blue towel with a cartoon pattern on it... "
Hey." She handed the towel to him.
Cheng Yaokun looked at the little white rabbit printed on the towel, then at the one printed on her pajamas, and slowly reached out to take it.
"Are you afraid that I'll wipe your face with the towel that I've wiped your face?"
He Lu's face became hot as soon as he brushed it, "I, I'm going to bed first."
Cheng Yaokun nodded, didn't move, just hung down like that Mou looked at her.
He Lu didn't move, just stood where she was, with her head slightly lowered, looking at her slippers.
After at least thirty seconds like this, He Lu said first, "Aren't you going back?" "
Aren't you going to sleep?"
"I, I'm going now."
Cheng Yaokun laughed lowly, " Then you are going."
He Lu turned around with a hot face, and tiptoed into the main hall again, but her steps were much slower.
Cheng Yaokun looked at her back until she turned the corner and disappeared, then he lowered his head and looked at the towel he was holding in his hand.
Just want to send him off with a towel? Heh...wait to be fucked!

_ More~

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