6x10 Witness

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6x10: Witness

Some calls are harder than others, and any call that has to do with KIDS makes Jim Street feel a whole jumble of emotions, so when he found out a recovering addict single mother's 8 year-old son was abducted, he immediately loathed the single mother and blamed her for her son's abduction.

He probably should have been patient and tried to remain objective. He probably should have been respectful of the distressed woman. But, he saw RED.

Naturally, Deacon BENCHED him, and Street sat in the break room ANGRY. He thought a little time in the shooting range would help, but it did not.

His LAST straw was when he wanted to be part of team to rescue the innocent child, but Hicks would not allow it. Street was aggravated and upset along with a million other emotions, and what he needed more than anything was CHRIS.

"Hey, amor," Chris answered the phone.

Just hearing his girlfriend say those two words already loosened some of the tension inside him. "Hi," he exhaled and leaned heavily against a gated wall of the armory; Street did not even recall when his feet had carried him there, but it felt like a good spot to talk to her.

Chris could hear that something was wrong from the single syllable, and her heart stuttered for a second. It could be ANYTHING, and her mind raced with possibilities. "What happened?"

Street's eyes widened, because he realized he was probably panicking her with his tone. "Everyone's fine, babe. I...I got benched."

"Benched? What did you do?"


"So, Hondo just benched you for no reason?" She asked in disbelief.

"Deacon benched me, actually."

"How did you piss him off?"

"We had a difference of opinion about this case."

"Let me guess. You're dealing with kids?"

"Am I THAT obvious?"

"I've known you long enough," she chuckled.

"Well, it's one kid, and he's been abducted, because his mom is irresponsible. She left him alone at a homeless shelter, and she claims it was to work, but I bet it was to get high."

"And how can you be so sure?"

"Chris, come on. I've seen this before."

"You've seen how your MOM is before, but not every recovering addict single mother is your mom."

"That's what Deacon said."

"I agree with Deac on this one. Don't assume the worst of her. Her son is missing, and she's probably freaking out. Think about if it were our kid. I would want the cops to be nice and patient with me no matter who I was and the choices I've made."

"Our kid, huh?" Street asked with a smirk. He had pictured children with Chris many times before but rarely brought up the subject, because he did not want to scare her.

"Not the point, Street. Separate this woman from your mom and show her some compassion."

He considered her words for a moment. Deacon had said something similar, but there is something DIFFERENT about the way Chris' advice always settles deep into his mind. "I hate when you're right," he acquiesced.

"Hmm I think I'm always right. Besides, I find your compassion really sexy," she replied suggestively, and he could hear her smirking.

"Oh, really?" Street asked playfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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