6x5 Unraveling

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Street stepped out of HQ and immediately saw Chris' Jeep.

She parked the car and smiled wide as she watched Street climb into the passenger side.

"Hey, babe," he greeted and gave her a quick kiss.

"Hey, are you sure you still have time for lunch?"

"This is exactly what I need," he shared, so Chris started driving away.

They reached one of their favorite taco food trucks, ordered their food quietly, and filed into seats across from each other at a nearby picnic table.

He took a bite out of one of his tacos and stared at it.

"You've been quiet. What's going on?" She asked, concerned about her boyfriend's state of mind.

"I don't want our lunch to be all about work."

"Street...something is clearly on your mind. I'm your girlfriend. I want you to talk about this stuff with me, so spill," she urged.

He exhaled deeply and looked into her worried eyes. "It's about Powell."

"The loose canon."


"What? From everything you've told me, she doesn't follow orders despite all the warnings. That's the definition of a loose canon. I had faith that she could shape up, but I'm not so sure any more, and I don't want her working with your or any member of 20 Squad if she's gonna keep putting you in danger."

"You sound like Hondo."

"I'll take that as a complement," Chris smiled.

"Well, I don't agree with either of you." Street crossed his arms over his chest and sat back, feeling stubborn.

"We both want to protect you. Look, I don't ride with you anymore, so I can't have your back, and that worries me everyday you walk out the door. The only thing that makes me feel better is the thought that 20 Squad is with you...but Powell? If she's not following orders and obeying protocol, it's not safe for you."

"I appreciate the concern, but I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told Hondo. She's worth investing in. She can be an asset to the team...maybe I was a little apprehensive at first, but I see it now," he guaranteed.

"So, what's bothering you about Powell today? You've barely touched your tacos."

"I asked Hondo to drop some wisdom on Powell, but he seems to think I'm the right one to get her to open up..."

"And you don't know what to say to her, but you need to better understand why she refuses to listen in the hopes of correcting the behavior and making her worthy of being on SWAT," Chris filled in.

He nodded and his lips were a thin line. "You were the one that got me to open up and helped set me straight...got any advice?"

"Speak from the heart and listen to what she has to say. If you think you can get her to start following orders, then a conversation is the first step. Maybe Hondo's right and you're the only one she'll open up to, since you're sorta kindred spirits. When I wanted you to talk to me, I didn't do a lot of talking. So open your ears, and see what's going on," she suggested.

While considering her words, he finally felt his appetite return and took another bite of his taco. "When you say first step..."

"It took a while for me to get through to you, and for you to prove yourself enough to get back on 20 Squad. It seems like she's gonna be your project for a bit."

"Nah. I can get through to her, and when I do, she'll be good for the team."

"Whatever you say, amor," Chris gave him a sheepish grin and wiped her hands after having completed her lunch.


The conversation with Powell in the locker room didn't go as expected. In need of venting, he texted his girlfriend.

Street: Tried talking to her. Not sure if it worked.

Chris: Have a little faith.

Street chuckled as he read the message before putting his phone back in his pocket and going back to work.


Hondo's words echoed in Street's ears even after shift ended while he was cooking dinner. The sound of the front door opening momentarily distracted him enough to look over and see Chris enter the house.

"Hey, that smells good," she commented as the scent coming from the kitchen wafted into her nose.

"Dinner is almost ready," he replied while chopping a tomato.

"Is Luca joining us for dinner, or is he gonna keep playing basketball with the kids on the block?"

"I'm starving, so I'm not waiting for him. Besides, he can be out there all night. He loves spending time with everyone in our neighborhood."

Chris reached his side and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Any update on Operation Powell?"

"Is that what we're calling it?" Street scoffed.

She started washing her hands in the sink while waiting for more information.

"Powell heard me. I think I actually got through to her. She followed protocol today," he said proudly.

"That's great!"

"But..." He tossed the tomatoes into the salad bowl and looked at the back of his girlfriend's head.

"Let me guess...Hondo isn't convinced that it's enough," she guessed and dried her hands.

"Hondo said that she's my responsibility now."

"So, next time she screws up, it's on you?"

"Not gonna lie. I'm a little nervous about that."

"Of course you are. Being responsible for another officer's actions is a pretty big deal." She mindlessly tossed the salad while looking up at Street.

"Yeah, and I'm not sure I'm ready for that."

"I'm not happy about you riding with someone I don't trust, but I trust you, and I trust that you can do right by Powell."

He raked a hand through his hair. "I love your faith, babe...now enough talking about Powell. I wanna talk about my favorite topic."

"Baking shows or motorcycles?" Chris asked while she set the table.

"You," he replied, sweetly and kissed her cheek before setting some piping hot food onto the table.

She rolled her eyes.

"How's the new girl adjusting?"

"Good. She has family here I'm working on locating, so I hope I can give her a happy ending." Chris settled into her usual chair.

"If anyone can make it happen, it's you," Street beamed.

"Chris!" Luca called as he walked through the front door.

She turned and watched him barrel towards her.

"I've missed you," Luca said while squeezing her.

"You saw me like 2 days ago," she smiled.

"I know, but still," Luca replied.

"You're starting to sound like Street," she joked.

"Is that so bad?" Street asked, defensively.

"Guess not," she answered.

"Has your boyfriend told you about his new responsibility?" Luca inquired.

Street groaned.

"Looks like he's about to get a taste of his own medicine. Just hope he doesn't have to pick her and her broken motorcycle up at the crack of dawn," she smiled and laughed.

Luca chuckled.

"Make fun all you want. I guess I deserve this," Street thought aloud.

"You really do, mi corazon," Chris chided.

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