6x8 Guacaine

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Chris arrived to the lot that Street texted her to go to. Her eyes wandered to the colorful food trucks arranged in a neat row.

"Hey! There she is!" Tan called from the window of a food truck.

"Sup, guys," she replied as she neared the truck.

"Chris!" Luca said happily and gave her a fist bump.

"I thought the food truck was gonna be parked somewhere else today."

"It WAS...but there was an attack..." Luca began.

"And we caught a case," Tan finished for him.

"An attack? Is everyone okay?"

"All good now, so that's why we're at Food Truck Friday!" Luca explained while pointing at the neighboring trucks.

"Sounds like a hell of a day. I was meeting with lawyers all day to help two girls apply for citizenship," she shared while her eyes searched the area unable to settle on a single spot.

Tan noticed the way she was looking around. "Your boyfriend went to the grocery store to get some more ingredients. We've been selling out of everything."

She just smiled. "I'll take an avocado salad."

"NO AVOCADOS!" Street shouted with a few bags in his arms.

The sound of his voice made Chris turn around to look at him. She saw that he was struggling to keep a grip on one of the grocery bags he was holding, so she lunged and took it out of his hands.

"What's your problem with avocados?" She asked and heaved the bag of groceries over the tall counter for Tan to accept.

"Today has been interesting," Street grimaced.

"Well, I still want my salad," she insisted.

"Coming right up," Tan said and shifted into a focused mode to assemble the meal.

"Babe, listen these guys smuggled cocaine INSIDE avocados," Street tried to explain.


"Yeah, we cut them open to find little baggies. It's sorta genius, but also messed up to do that to avocados."

"Sounds like they made 'avocadope'," she quipped.

"Dude, your jokes are getting worse. I think Street's rubbing off on you," Tan teased.

"Woah, I'm funny!" Street said.

"Sure you are, babe," she said sarcastically and happily accepted her food from Tan.

"You laugh at my jokes all the time!" He insisted.

"She has to. She's your girlfriend," Luca chuckled.

"That's not true!" He insisted to his teammates, then he spoke in a low voice to Chris, "That's not true, right?"

"I'm gonna go eat now." She announced to no one in particular and then climbed into the back of her Jeep to eat under the dark night sky. Although she'd eaten this salad so many times, she never got tired of it. Luca's food truck would always make amazing food.

"So, you don't think I'm funny?" Street asked.

She chuckled.

"Not really an answer," he said unhappily and got into the back of the car beside her.

"You think you're funnier than you really are."

"Gee, thanks."

"But, I still love you," she promised and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll take your 'avocadope' and raise you 'guacaine'."

Chris let out a small laugh. "THAT'S funny actually."

"See, I AM funny."

She nudged him in the arm.

"I think it'd be nice if we had a normal day...just ONE," he whined.

"Normal? You HATE normal."

"Just asking for one day of it. Definitely couldn't do more than that."

"You monitor the exits at the bank. I don't know if you can last an afternoon."

"Well, if it's just you and me camping or something, I think I would be too distracted," he wiggled his eyebrows.

She snickered and shook her head. "Do you ever have anything else on your mind?"

"Around you, not usually," he joked.

"See, THAT wasn't funny," she pointed out.

"Fine," he surrendered and put an arm around her. Then, he bent low to kiss her...well, attempted to.

"What do you guys say to helping out at with the food truck next week?" Luca asked as he approached.

"Dude!" Street replied, sounding annoyed.

"If I had to wait for you two to stop smooching every time I wanted to talk to you guys, we would probably never speak again."

Chris rolled her eyes. "So dramatic, but I should be able to help out next week."

"Thanks, Chris! See, that didn't take long, now you two can go back to being in love and adorable or whatever," Luca said already turning away.

Street barely waited a second before he leaned into her.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Luca said we can go back to being adorable..."

"Can I finish my salad first?"

"Of course," he agreed and a slow smile formed across his face just watching her.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

"No, you're perfect," his voice was soft and loving as he kept his eyes trained on her.

"See, even though you're not super funny, you're really sweet," she said honestly.

She let him kiss her for a moment. "Alright, I think we should get back to our friends," she said but didn't make any effort to move.

"You know, we aren't working the truck today, and it's been a long day. I say we sit on a couch and watch a movie."

"Your place or mine?"

"Yours...your couch is more comfortable, and there's no Luca to interrupt us," he rationalized.

"My couch, my pick for the movie. I'll meet you there," she said and leapt out of the back of the car.

"I picked 'Fast & Furious' one time! I forgot that the old one set women back!"

"Well, don't worry. No more anti feminist movies for us," she promised.

"I'm not complaining. I'm just saying, I can pick a good movie, too."

"I already said my couch, my pick. I promise you'll love it."

"Fine," he agreed begrudgingly and descended from the back of the Jeep. "I'll see you at your place," he kissed her on the forehead and headed to his motorcycle.

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