6x3 Woah Black Betty

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While searching for leads, Street heard his phone buzz and took it out of his pocket. When he read the screen, he smiled and immediately and answered the call.

"Hey, babe," he greeted.

"Hey, did I read your text right? Someone took Betty?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, but we're doing everything we can to get her back."

"I'm sure you are. How's Luca taking it?"

"Not well at all. He's pretty torn up."

"Maybe I should give him a call, so he knows I'm here for him," Chris considered aloud.

"I know he'd appreciate that."

"Mind keeping me posted on the case, though? I just want to know when Black Betty is okay."

"Of course."

"Alright, I'm gonna call Luca. Love you."

"Love you," Street replied and hung up.

"Love you," Tan echoed, mockingly.

Street rolled his eyes.

"You can't go a whole shift without talking to your girlfriend, huh?"

"It's not like that. I told her about Betty, and she called to check in on ALL of us," Street insisted.

"Any leads?" Deacon asked as he approached his fellow officers.

"Biggest lead I have is that Chris and Street are one of those super clingy couples that need to talk all the time," Tan laughed.

"Why am I not surprised," Deacon chuckled.

"Lay off! We need to focus on tracking down Betty," Street said lightheartedly and walked away.

"Ah, young love," Deacon mused.


Chris pulled into the HQ parking lot and saw the team hugging and laughing.

"What's going on?" She asked as she regarded the scene.

"Chris, you just missed it! We found out that Hondo and Nichelle are having a girl!" Luca announced, happily.

"A girl? Wow! That's amazing! Congratulations!" Chris said to Hondo and gave him a hug. Then, she hugged Nichelle, too. Without thinking, she stepped to stand at Street's side. He wrapped an arm around her waist. "I thought there was going to be a party to find out the sex of the baby this weekend?" Chris whispered to her boyfriend.

"It's kind of a long story. I'll tell you all about it on the way to the safe house," he whispered back.

"Thanks again for volunteering to help out today with the safe house garden."

"Don't mention it. You know I'm always here for you."

"I know," Chris replied with a big smile and put her arms around Street to hold him in a tight embrace.

Street shut his eyes to savor the moment and then planted a kiss on the top of her head.

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