6x4 Maniak

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It wasn't the first morning that Street spent with bullets flying at him, but he still felt the slightest bit unsettled. Once he returned to the HQ parking lot, he dialed Chris.

"Street?" She asked into the phone, unsure why he was calling while on shift.

"It's good to hear your voice," he admitted and let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding in.

"Did something happen? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, babe. I'm fine now...just a wild morning."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"This killer convict escaped from prison in the middle of the desert with the help of a lot of fire power," Street explained.

"Sounds intense." Chris wanted to reach through the phone and give him a hug.

"It was, but we have to find him and get him back into police custody."

"Woah, hang on a second. Street, after rough calls we always used to breathe, so let's take a few deep breaths right now."

"A few deep breaths," he repeated and inhaled deeply. Then, he exhaled. He did so two more times until he felt his heart rate slow.

"Better?" She inquired.

"Definitely...but for the record, I don't think it was ever really the breathing that helped calm me after an intense op- I think it's always been you," he considered.

How was she supposed to respond to that? "Maybe it's both...I should let you get back to work finding that fugitive."

"Yeah. Okay. Love you," he said, knowing he needed to coordinate with his team to hunt down the man that had just escaped.

"Love you," she replied with a smile that he could hear in the sound of her voice. Then, she hung up.

Feeling better about this morning, he walked into HQ and headed for the locker room.


The ride to Chris' apartment was becoming more familiar. He turned his key into the lock of Chris' front door, and before he could finish opening the door all the way, he felt Chris pull him into her arms.

She'd been thinking about him all day after she heard how shaken up he seemed to be on the phone, so she was relieved to be with him. Chris placed a soft kiss on his neck and continued to squeeze him tight.

"Everything's okay, babe," he assured her, but didn't feel the need to stop hugging her back.

After a few moments of standing in the doorway clinging to each other, her grip loosened, and she looked up into his eyes. "Hey," is all she said.

"Hi," he replied and kissed her lips briefly.

The throbbing pain in his hand was begging for some relief, so he let Chris go and walked over to the refrigerator. He pulled out a bag of frozen peas and held it to his knuckles.

"Did you punch that convict in the face?" Chris questioned, jokingly.

"Nope. I slugged a SWAT Officer."

"You WHAT?"

"He deserved it. He said something about Nate."

"Street, what are you talking about?" She knew it was unlike him to punch a fellow cop and needed clarification.

"Did I ever tell you about the time I was accused of being a dirty cop and my career was almost ruined?"

Chris shook her head.

"Back when I was working in Long Beach, this other guy in my precinct, Alfaro, and I...we didn't really get along all that well. And one day, he went to our captain and accused me of being a dirty cop on the take. I had to go through this whole involved Internal Affairs investigation. Obviously, I was found innocent, but for a while there I thought my career might be over. Never forgave him for that...so he had it coming," Street explained and readjusted the bag of frozen food resting against his hand.

"I can't believe you of all people were accused of something like that. I don't blame you for hitting him."

"Don't worry, though. I apologized. It was out of line. I know that. Besides, he just joined Rocker's team, which means he's part of the SWAT family now, so I gotta let it go. We work together now, and that stupid rivalry we used to have and that beef about accusing me of being dirty, it's over. That's what I told him."

She was proud of his response and his overall attitude.

"You're smiling," Street noted.

"Of course I'm smiling. I'm proud of you for being a great man. Burying the hatchet is very mature of you," she said proudly and held the hand that wasn't being iced.

"Alfaro did say I've changed, and I know that...but seeing him again, it really showed me just how much. And none of that change would have been possible without you or Hondo," Street responded appreciatively.

"If you weren't willing to change, there's nothing I could've done."

Street raised an eyebrow while a sly smile formed on his face. "I'm pretty sure you could've come up with some way."

Chris elbowed his ribs gently, and he pretended it hurt.

With a scoff, he thought aloud, "Maybe, we should go to dinner with him. Give you and Alfaro a chance to meet."

"No, thank you," she replied simply and walked over to answer the door.

"Why not?" Street asked from the kitchen.

"I'm so glad you forgave him, but it's gonna take me a little more time to get over the fact that he accused my boyfriend of being a dirty cop. So, don't make dinner plans just yet," she explained while setting down the pizza box.

He abandoned the frozen vegetables on the counter to encircle her waist with both arms from behind. "Have I told you how much I love hearing you call me your boyfriend? It never gets old," he whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek.

All she could do was laugh and turn around to face him. "You're so cheesy," she chided.

"It's called being in love."

"Yeah, I'm not ridiculous just because I'm in love with you. Face it, you're just one of those guys," she replied and stepped out of his arms to grab plates.

He chuckled.

"What's so funny?" She asked and turned back to see his big, dimple-y smile.

"I'm not the only one that's changed. I stopped acting like a lone wolf and all the smack talk, but look at you! Calling me your boyfriend, being honest about your feelings...that's some serious growth."

"I guess you're right," she reflected with a grin. Then, she grabbed a slice of pizza and put it on her plate. Street did the same and followed her to the table to eat. "Unless anything else exciting happened to you, can I tell you about my day?" She inquired.

"Tell me everything," he said simply while settling into his chair across from her. He took in the view of her smiling and talking so much; something she never seemed capable of with anyone else but him, and he was grateful that he was with her tonight after a long shift. More than anything, he had needed to feel at home, which is wherever he is with her.

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