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Jungwon's pov:

I cant believe it...

I'm pregnant, with jays child

No wonder I'm so hungry all the time I'm eating for two...my morning sickness,the random mood swings,
It all makes sense now.

I am inside the bathroom with the pregnancy test in my hands seeing two lines meaning im pregnant.
I don't know what to say,
I'm happy but scared at the same time
Me and jay had the baby talk before but we didn't think it'd be today.

"I have to hide this" I whispered
I took the test and the box, I secretly went outside the bathroom and went to our room

I put it in my small jewelry box that has a lock that only i can access.
Ofcoures jay can too but does he really need Jewelry?

Suddenly, "baby? What are you doing?" No other than the mafia himself. My park jongseong.

I quickly locked the box.

"Nothing love, just cleaning our desk"
I had to say something ofcoures can't just stand there and say Oh jongshie I'm pregnant you're the father feed me food. HELL NO

"Let's go na, love i made your favorite.." he said hugging me from behind kissing my neck. What a cutie

"ohhhhhh Adobo!!" I laughed softly from the kisses


" You're eating alot, baby want some more?" Jay said giving me more rice and chicken. He than went to the refrigerator to get something,

"Babe look i brought a bag full of apples they say it's good for the-" He suddenly became so awkward...

"Good for the body hahaha" He laughed his way back to the table
"Love, you're acting weird? Is everything alright?" I asked while eating, ngl I'd eat this everyday without getting tired of it. 10/10

"Babe, uhhh dahan dahan lang sa knife ah" I said worried while he slice the apples. why is he slicing like that? I said in my mind SERIOUSLY HE LOOKS LIKE HE'S BEING HELD GUN POINT

"baby, my birthdays coming soon.."
He said changing the topic. Why is he so weird all of the sudden!! Making me and the baby annoyed hmp
"ofcoures love we planned your birthday before it could even be your birthmonth" He giggled and put the sliced Apples in a bowl, serving it to me

I immediately took an apple and ate it.
Juicy like his-

After eating, Jay cleaned the kitchen.
You might be wondering "He's a mafia? he doesn't have maids?" No he doesn't.

He has trust issues with maids last time we had a maid she tried to poison me. Ikr creepy she gave me water that smelled like cinnamon,
like girl chill

But we do have bodyguards! Alot

I went back to our room thinking about the time we made the baby...

"Is it the time i wore a red lingerie
Or that white skirt?" I talked to myself, body resting on the bed looking at the ceiling

Idk why but tears... Tears starting to fall down my eyes, the moment was to overwhelming.

I'm thinking of making the baby a birthday present since it's almost jays birthday
I'll wrap myself in nice ribbon than a small paper that writes
" I'm pregnant, Happy birthday love. "

I'm scared what if he doesn't want it?
What if he leaves me?
What if he thinks its not his?
What if-

My mind was cut of when jay
The man I was overthinking about came in.

"Taguan ng anak" jaywonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ