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Ackral: A citizen from the Isle of Bath. He and his uncle, Muckleck, sometimes traveled the old farm sites of River in search of salvage.

Amulet: Originally created by the hand of the creator god, Tenelet, for each child of the first couple, Medlord and Cerellous. Tenelet infused each with a power that would enable the leader of each tribe to lead his people.

Borg: The capital of Delta. It was one of two natural seaports. Since the conquest of Messema, the city lies in ruins.

Black Riders: Also known as Black Knights and Silver Riders, they were the commissioned assassins assigned to track down those who opposed the queen. They carried silver shields that directed bolts of lightning that originated from a pit in front of Messema's throne.

Cashoune: A military position in Messema's army responsible for beating the pace of the march on a drum. Generally, the Cashoune walked in front of the troops into battle, and when he was felled by enemy fire, a charge followed.

Cerellous: Mother of all and the first queen of Tent. Created by the hand of Tenelet from the clay along the banks of River, she was the only mate of Medlord and the mother of twelve children who were to become the leaders of twelve tribes.

Cheryl: Thirteen years old, Cheryl lived with her sister, Wendy, in Wheeling, West Virginia. She was quick with a smile, had a thought on every subject, and could argue an opponent into submission. At times she was fearful and uncertain about herself.

Cliff: The eastern boundary of Tent. A remnant of Delta's citizens attempted to tunnel to the unmapped plateau at the top of Cliff and claim the new territory as their home.

Canyon: A narrow country in the center of Tent through which River ran. The eastern border was marked by Falls, and the west end was the country of River. The major inhabitants were Weevies who lived solitary lives in burrows built in the sides of Canyon.

Constable: A short man with a big belly who served as sheriff of his village composed of refugees from Land. He was also the chosen bearer of the Amulet of Land.

Cosland: Courago's cousin who had allowed himself to become a "servant" of Messema in order to organize resistance in Jutland.

Cos River: The river system on the west side of Land. The boyhood home of Courago was along this river.

Courago: A warrior that Cheryl and Johnny met in the cavern under the falls. He believed in the prophecies, gave Cheryl and Johnny encouragement, and accompanied them to Jutland.

Dark Woods: A forest in the hill country at the western end of Land. It is rumored that some magical power is in the place, which is supported by the disappearance of a number of people who have ventured into it.

Delta: A country at the west end of the continent of Tent. A remnant of the people of Delta traveled east and attempted to tunnel to the top of Cliff where they believed they will live in perfect peace.

DeRag: One of the three black knights who captured Roy. He was of the lowest military rank: a pathe.

Droccaos: A unit of money on the Isle of Bath. A horse sold for one hundred fifty droccaos. A ferry ride cost three droccaos. Twenty-four poens equaled one droccao.

Duffer: The Johnson family dog named after the Deffelpods in a C. S. Lewis novel, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

Fern: A gentle and kind woman who served as Wind's guardian. A citizen of Land.

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