Chapter Twenty-Six--Finding the Exit

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Several minutes passed before the dust settled. The earthquake had destroyed the beauty of the throne room. The polished white marble that had given the room its luster now lay in broken heaps along the wall, revealing the black stone underneath.

The room was empty of the Quextors, Sistars, Septars, and the army of evil. The queen stood to her feet and held her head in her hands.

"Are you alright?" Cheryl asked, walking up to her.

"I think so," she said. "What . . . what happened?"

"The control of evil over your throne has been broken," Wind said. "You are now free, and so are we."

"I am grateful," the queen said.

"Would someone help me?" a small voice asked.

Cheryl recognized the voice of her sister, but looking around, she saw no one.

"She's under the grating," Wind said. "Help me pull it up."

A set of fingers moved above the steel, giving a sort of greeting.

"Hang on, Wendy," Cheryl said. She touched her sister's fingers gently. Wendy responded with a joyful shout.

Several minutes later, Wendy emerged from the shaft. A joyous reunion followed as Cheryl and Wendy embraced.

"I'm so glad that you are alright," Cheryl said. "I was so afraid that something terrible happened when you went over the falls."

"Something wonderful happened," Wendy said, referring to the Weevies and the night swim among the snakes. "And something terrible," thinking of the slave market on the Isle of Bath.

Just then, footfalls were heard at the entrance of the throne room. The three guards that had pursued Wendy from the Isle of Bath marched into the throne room. Among them was Muckleck.

"That's her," one of the guards exclaimed, pointing at Wendy. He looked around the room, and upon finding Messema near the now crushed throne, he stood straight and announced, "She's the one who escaped from the Isle of Bath, and we demand that she be returned."

Wendy moved closer to Cheryl.

"What's your claim?" Messema suddenly looked very much the official queen that she was.

Briefly, the three men stated the nature of their claim and asked that Wendy be returned to the Isle of Bath.

"Your market has depended on selling silver shields to equip the black riders in my army," the queen began. "Since there are to be no more black riders, our contract with you is dissolved. Your privilege of having slaves is now and forever rescinded. Wendy and all like her, not only on the Isle of Bath but throughout Tent, are free. I declare it so."

The men exchanged hurried glances. Knowing that the queen's words once spoken were law, they bowed. They left the room mumbling under their breath. Wendy was glad to be done with Muckleck. In Wendy's opinion, he was the second most wicked person in Tent World.

Cheryl reached into her pocket and pulled out the amulet. She moved toward Wind and held the amulet out to her.

"I think you should take your amulet back," Cheryl said. "If I understand, no one can take it from the barrier, but the barrier can give it back to the rightful owner."

"Yes," Wind said with a smile. She took the amulet and held it in her hands. I will see that my people reunited with it." A tear slowly made its way down her cheek.

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