Chapter Six:Fun Times.

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John's POV.

Me and Sirius took Harper and her friends to the mall, judging them on spending all their lives in the Wizarding world they are amazed by everything presented to them.

"Wow!, this is what muggles have?!".

Harpers friend Pansy asked as I chuckled.

"Yeah this is what the no maj have, let's go to the arcade that's up the third floor, that's where the fun is at".

I herded Harpers friends up the escalator, luckily I put notice-me-not Charms on all of Harpers friends plus me, Harper and Sirius. Safety precautions are needed. Like can you imagine seeing two grown men herding most of the kids that haven't set foot in the mundane world?. It'll look quite weird when someone looks our way but at least Harpers friends are having fun going up the escalator.

We eventually made it to the third floor as Harpers friends couldn't stop commenting their amazement of riding the escalator.

"That was awesome let's go on it again!".

Harpers friend Parvati commented her excitement as Lisa seemed to enjoy it as much as Parvati as we stood in front of an arcade. All of their eyes shot out in amazement by the colors and games they will no doubt play.

"Alright kids these games are fun, me and uncle Sirius have been here and it's quite simple. You put a token in one of the games that says the amount of tokens you need for the game and read the instructions. There are four types of games in here, prizes games, ticket games, physical games and video games. Rule is you can't go to ticket games because there's a prize counter and Sirius brought everything with the tickets last time we been here".

I explained to the kids as I heard Sirius pout in the corner. I gave each of Harpers friends twenty tokens as they ran around the arcade area to play a game. I gave me and Sirius twenty tokens but made sure he didn't go to any ticket games.

"Why are you following me John?".

"So you won't go to a ticket game and give the poor cashier a heart attack with all the tickets you collected like last time".

"You gotta admit John, his reaction is priceless".

I rolled my eyes as he settled on a game that involves two players, it's a ping pong game in video graphics. I forgot what it's called though.

"Well since your following me and the kids are having fun, what's your favourite game?".

"Ah Jeez uhm, I actually like Donkey Kong".

Sirius tilted his head at me, it's quite understandable because the game is not here, they have every game but any old school games like Donkey Kong.

"What's Donkey Kong?".

"It's basically about an Italian Mario climbing up buildings to save a damsel in distress from a giant monkey. I like it because I got the highest score and it challenges me because it doesn't have a pattern (Anyone got the movie reference?)".

I told Sirius as I was moving my joystick up and down to make the ball not go through my goal but Sirius's. He seemed to notice because he defended his goal from the ball and the ball goes to my direction.

"That sounds like a fun game saving a damsel in distress".

"Yeah, muggles have great ways of thinking up anything don't you think?".

I told him with a cheeky grin as I scored a point from him.

Me and Sirius spent an hour playing ping pong, all of Harpers friends are having fun until it was time for the movie theater.

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