Chapter One:Return From America.

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Harpers POV.

After returning back from America, we immediately went to Potter Manor to see if my house elves and Fluffy are doing okay. So far, they told me they are doing fine along with Fluffy, he told me he had a lot of fun playing with the house elves.

We then visited Malfoy manor, which dad and Paddy had a great time talking with my godmother and Uncle Lucy. I had fun telling my adventures in America to Draco, he was amazed by my meeting with Akuji I had shared to him.

"Wow, you've met a horned serpant over there and you've tamed him?, I'm impressed".

"Yeah, I can't wait to tell everyone about Akuji, he's so nice and friendly".

I told him as he nodded but had a smile on his face.

"I need to ask my father if we can go over to America next summer".

"Yeah, if you go to America, you should travel to New York and Disneyland, those places are amazing tourist attractions".

I suggested to him as he nodded with a confused look on his face.

"Is Disneyland a Wizarding town?".

"Eh, sorta if you think about it but it's for muggles".

"Come on Harper, we should head home, I've made a schedule for us to travel to Diagon Alley with the Malfoys next week".

I heard my dad call out as I said my goodbyes to Draco and left with my dad and padfoot through the fireplace.

We made it back home in one peice as we entered our home.

"Ah, it feels so good to be home John, we should go traveling around the world again".

"I know right, we can go to Japan or Canada or Russia or anywhere in the world basically. Since I'm registered as the agent of the ICW and I go on many missions that requires me to go through countries. I suppose we can go anywhere in the world but within reason".

Dad spoke to Padfoot as I walked to my room with my trunk in hand.

When I set foot in my room, I instantly opened my trunk and climbed in to get my familiars out of my trunk. It took a few minutes and I got Ace, Bella, Hedwig and her children out of the case.

I considered taking Akuji out of the case but went against it, he might get stuck in my room. Besides, the trunk surprisingly supported Akujis condition and added a long river pool in the trunk for Akuji to swim in.

"Come on Harper, time for dinner!".

I got excited when dad called out, Ace ran to the dining room with me, Sebastian, Alexander, Bella, Hedwig and her children following from behind.

"I'm sure everyone's hungry dad".

I told my dad as Hedwig and her children landed on a long perch. Bella sat next to her food bowl, Alexander jumped off my shoulder and landed on the table. Sebastian is snuggled on my neck and Ace is next to dad's leg.

"For the last time Ace, your not eating what we are eating, you can go hunt the animals outside instead".

Ace huffed out as dad made dinner for me and Paddy. It was chicken nuggets with chips and salad. Alexander took a chicken nugget off my plate and started eating the chicken nugget as Sebastian took a chip off my plate.

"So John, now that we are back from America, can I ask a few questions about your job?".

"Uhm sure I suppose".

Dad spoke as I ate my chicken nuggets and my chips with Alexander and Sebastian. Dad was pouring biscuits into a dog bowl for Bella as he gave Hedwig and her children his home made bacon on the perch in their food bowl. I noticed Ace had started eating John's chicken nuggets and chips he left for himself on the counter.

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