Chapter Three:Shopping Drama.

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Narrators POV.

John, Sirius, Harper, Narcissa, Lucius and Draco walked through Diagon Alley together in a group. After that crazy experience in Gringotts, they are determined to avoid the Weasleys. On the way, Draco and Harper had split off from their parents and found Nevile looking at a magical creature through a window but his grandmother was nowhere to be found.

"Hi Nevile!".

Harper cheered as she had scared him, he jumped and looked to see Harper waving at him. He waved back at Harper as she approached him with Draco following her.

"Hi H-Harper, how was y-your summer?".

"It was good, I went over to America and the country is amazing".

Harper told Nevile enthusiastically as he nodded, Draco rolled his eyes at Harpers enthusiasm.

"What about you Nevile, what have you done all summer holidays?".

Harper asked as Nevile smiled shyly as he reached into his satchel and pulled out a herbology book.

"Gran gave me a book this s-summer, she said that s-since I'm doing good in Hogwarts and I'm doing my parents proud. She decided to give me s-seeds from a m-muggle shop since I-I love anything involving h-herbology".

Harpers eyes lit up when she heard vegetables, the Wizarding world and the mundane world have separate vegetables from eachother. To hear from Nevile that his gran is getting him vegetables from the muggle world is extraordinary.

"Amazing, wanna accompany us to Florish and Blotts?".

Harper offered as Nevile nodded.

"Sure, g-gran is meeting me there t-too".

Nevile offered his arm to Harper as she grinned and wrapped her arm around Nevile. Draco chuckled as he started talking to both Nevile and Harper about what he's been doing at home as they walked to Florish and Botts.

By the time they got there, the whole store was crowded by witches and a few wizards in the doorway. Draco frowned as he looked for his parents along with Harper and Nevile but they couldn't see them.

"I can think of two ways, one, a good sale is going on in there or two, a celebrity is in there".

Draco concluded as he, Harper and Nevile managed to squeeze into the shop and among the crowd.

They managed to get a good view of the front as they see the daily prophet photographer. Not only that, Draco was sneering at the Weasleys when he laid his eyes on them.

"I'm going upstairs Harper and Nevile, Nevile keep an eye on my godsister while I get a better view of the situation".

Harper rolled her eyes when Draco said that, Draco had left both her and Nevile alone as they watched what was going to happen.

It took a moment for the chatter to die down among the crowd and it turned to applause as a wizard came out from behind the bookshelves and waved at the crowd. Harper winced when her eyes were set on the wizard and Nevile noticed.

"What's wrong Harper?".

"This guy, it feels like he washes himself with infatuation potions every morning, it's straining my eyes".

Harper told Nevile as she let go of Neviles arm and started rubbing her eyes. Nevile held onto her elbow so she wouldn't fall into the crowd and potentially hurt herself.

After a while, Harper had stopped rubbing her eyes and cast a non verbal spell that'll protect her eyes from being sore. She looked at the wizard, who's name is Gildory Lockhart and frowned at the wizard. To Harper, he's all show and no action. It was until his photo was being taken by the photographer and he was looking at her direction did she truly want to leave.

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