Chapter 11

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The book signing that afternoon went off without a hitch. Despite the short notice, the bookstore was still jam-packed with people waiting for their copies of Finley's newest book and for the short reading that she'd offered to give the crowd as part of the deal.

As the guests started to disperse, I leaned against a bookshelf eating one of the finger sandwiches from the trays that the shop down the street happily offered to cater. My gaze roamed over the room, watching as Fionn chatted up a young blonde who hung on his every word.

"He's cute." Finley came to stand next to me, nodding in Fionn's direction. "Is that the guy?"

I nodded.

Of course, Fionn took that moment to tear his eyes away from the blonde's cleavage to look over at me. I quickly diverted my gaze, but it wasn't quick enough. He dipped his head at me and I forced a smile.

"I take it the two of you are not on speaking terms?" She glanced between us.

"Not exactly." If only she knew the truth.

Finley hummed in thought. She dug around in her bag and pulled out a book before handing it to me. "I want you to have this. Free of charge."

I glanced down at the cover. "Your new book?"

She nodded. "I'm a romance author but I'm also a wife. I know heartache when I see it; I know love when I see it. And the way Fionn looks at you, Emilie, it's more than just the girl who's staying in the flat above the shop.

Heat crept into my cheeks. "He doesn't think of me as anything more than that, believe me."

"Mm." Finley pursed her lips and I made myself busy by rearranging the books on one of the carts in alphabetical order.

Nothing more than professional, that's what I had to keep telling myself or I'd think back to the kiss. The way his lips felt on mine. The way our bodies molded together.

"Emilie." Fionn crossed his arms over his chest as he stood in front of me.

I stumbled backwards, crashing into the cart I'd been organizing and causing the type of commotion I hoped to avoid.

Several of the attendees jumped at the sound and turned in my direction.

"What?" I asked through gritted teeth. The last thing I wanted was to draw more attention to myself.

"We need to talk. About—"

"Fionn, love," Finley interjected with narrowed eyes, "I don't think this is the time or the place to discuss personal matters."

"Aye. My apologies." Fionn cleared his throat.

Silence passed between us. I couldn't read the expression on his face, but there was sadness behind his eyes.

"My, oh my," Finley said when Fionn had left again. "That boy has fallen hard for you, dear."

I swallowed, my heart thumping loudly in my chest. "You really think so?"

"Even if you can't see it, there is love between the lines with you two," Finley said. "Every little glance, every fleeting moment, those unspoken words because—and please forgive me for saying so—you're both too stubborn to admit the truth." She looked over at Fionn, who bit his lip and turned away pretending he hadn't just been staring again.

I bit my lip. She was right. But I wasn't ready to admit out loud that he could very well be my second chance if I let him.


The pub down the street that Fionn and I often frequented for dinner offered a comforting atmosphere after playing 'glance tag' all day.

"What can I get for you?" the bartender, Kenny, asked as he wiped down a fresh glass.

Love Between the Lines ✔️ DRAFT 1 COMPLETETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang