Trusting You

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"Trusting You"

God, I don't know what lies ahead,
Uncertainty looms like a darkened dread,
But I know in You I can find strength,
To handle whatever may come at length.

My prayers may be answered or ignored,
My path may lead to yet another discord,
But I trust in You to guide my way,
To give me peace and stability to stay.

I'm counting on Your mercy and grace,
To manifest in marvelous surprise,
To grant the wishes I once embraced,
And make my life a story to idolize.

I'm ready for change, for a new start,
To see my life in a brighter chart,
But I know I can't do it alone,
I need You to make my heart a throne.

So I put my trust in You alone,
For I know You won't leave me alone,
Guiding me to the path You've set,
To a future brighter than I could ever imagine, I'm set.

My timing may not align with Yours,
But I'll keep trusting You, with faith that endures,
For You've never let me down before,
And with You, I know I can soar.

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