Dreams Fulfilled: A Bright Future Together

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To the Love of My Life
As I write this, I'm filled with hope
For the future that we'll share
A life of love, respect, and growth
A bond beyond compare

I need to be honest with you
About what I hope to find
A partner who is kind and true
In both heart and mind

You should be caring and loving
With patience to spare
And when we're out and about
I hope you'll be there

I need to laugh every single day
So I hope you're a little bit funny
Most importantly, I need you to be responsible
To help us save all our money

Understanding is a must
I say what I mean and mean what I say
And sometimes, I'll need you to put me first
Even if it's just for a day

I need you to see me
My accomplishments and my dreams
And I promise to do the same for you
Supporting each other in all that life brings

But it's not just about us
There's something more on the line
A future family we'll create
A legacy we'll define

I need you to be the man
Our future children can look up to
A guide and a friend
As we help raise them to be true

We'll choose each other, that's clear
But we'll also choose them too
Planting roots, watching them grow
Until they too can bloom anew

And so, my love, I vow to you
To always love and cherish you
And to strive each day to be
The partner and friend you need me to be

For in this life, there's nothing else
That fills me with such glee
Than knowing we have each other
To help our love bloom and be.

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