"You'll do no such thing!"

He laughs at me as I put the flowers in a vase full of water. "Would it expose Amelia's huge secret? Her turn-on for the violent? To hear me scream as she beats me?" This time I let myself laugh at his joke, "AmeeeliaaaaaHhh!"

"Shush you idiot! Let's go!" I chuckle as I push him out, his laughs dim down too as he wraps my arm around his own while having the last word,

"As you wish, Princess."

We talked hand in hand as we walked to the school which wasn't too far away, the evening weather pleasant for our little trip. For a moment, it seemed like the world was at peace which I was sure not to take for granted.

It wasn't until we had gotten to the point where we could actually see the school that I realised, "Wait, Francis is going to be here-" I say worriedly turning to Prince but he's already looking at me with eyes that tell me that he couldn't care less.

"I won't ruin your night," He begins before making a little cute face, "Well, I'll try not to." I was content with that, because just having this much go right made me feel amazing, to be in his arms again and have him look at me with all his care.

We walked in and the first to greet us was Lara and Derek. I hugged Lara, nodding to her partner who did the same before looking at Prince suspiciously. Before I could say anything to clear the air, Prince put a hand forward towards Derek, "Hey man, I apologise for the other day, I hope we can be cool?" I smiled at Prince's attempt at peace and watched as Derek hesitantly but shortly shook his hand back.

I turned back to Lara who also seemed relieved now and asked her where Katie was considering she was the one who convinced me to come. "On her way," Lara answered, "She was really excited to show us her date for tonight and she ended up being the last one to arrive,"

"Yep, that's Katie alright," I reply before noticing the music's changed from the upbeat type to something a bit slower, must have been time for the couple's dance-

"Dance with me," I suddenly hear Prince whisper in my ear. To hear him suggest it was surprising and although I wasn't too confident in my dancing skills, I let him lead me to the dance floor where my arms found their way into position, my body held close to his own.

The music seemed to travel along with my blood as we started to dance and after letting myself be intoxicated by it, my eyes found their way into Prince's and for a moment, maybe longer, I felt as if the whole world was ours.

I could feel it all, his breath, his warmth, the sway of our bodies, the way we were so close but not nearly close enough. We might have had the attention of those around us but as he spun me around and I found myself back in his arms, I couldn't be asked to worry about any of it.

Was he always this good at dancing? I wanted to ask, but I would rather die than have his eyes break away from mine now. The intensity behind them was all I could ever want, the way his skin felt on my back made me ecstatic.

And as the song slowly drifted off, he dipped me down, as if giving me the opportunity to be shown off to the hall, lifting me back only enough for me to be captivated by his lips soon after.

I didn't care at that point. I would have let him kiss me, would have let him make me his. I couldn't help it, I was falling, our breaths just about intertwined-

"To think I'd see you here."

Prince gently brought me to a stand as we both turned to the new voice. Or, I thought it was new to us both but it looked like Prince knew him already.

"Amelia! I want to introduce you to my date! His name is-" Katie started telling me but the tense atmosphere between the two guys made it hard for me not to ignore Katie and watch worriedly, knowing well that the relationship between the two wasn't a good one, especially with how dark Prince's once adoring eyes looked now.

"Chace," Prince finally says, devoid of any emotion.

"Don't be like that, Prince, this is a momentous occasion for us! You even have a date this time!" The guy says, looking me up and down which disgusts me instantly. I took Prince's hand in mine which finally makes him look at me again, eyes immediately softening apologetically.

"let's go," he tells me and we were about to start walking away when 'Chase' grabs my wrist and pulls me back roughly,

"Woah hold on there, you were practically shoving her in all of our faces just a second ago, you can let me have a turn now too!"

I could barely stand to look at his face now and Prince seemed to realise that too as he quickly took a place between Chase and me, "Let her go, fucker" I hear him say, although it wasn't loud enough o get anyone's attention.

"Chase, what're you doing?" Katie then speaks up, trying to break the two away or at least get him to stop holding me, her voice is shakey, I know this whole situation is scaring her.

"Calm down, I just want to play with your friend here, I'm not cheating or anything," he looks down at Katie with disgust and that sets something off in me.

"You're hurting her-"

"So what if I am?!-"

That was it,

I struck him.

The contact was loud and even if it caught the attention of those around us, I didn't try and hide the grin settled on my face.

"Trust me, my punches hurt more," I tell him, curling the hand that slapped him to show his astonished face that I was serious. That seemed to snap him out of it and he growled in annoyance before walking away.

"I'm so sorry Amelia," Katie then started but I shook my head gently at her, telling her it was okay. It didn't take long for Lara and Derek to show up too, wondering what the hell happened.

I then felt the hand in mine squeeze a little which reminded me that I was holding onto Prince's hand still. I turned to him with a smile, taking a cue from the music and putting my arms over his shoulders while swaying a little.

"So, what was all that about?" I ask amusingly, trying to lighten his mood and hint that he doesn't need to worry and it's all okay.

He puts his forehead on mine and sighs, "I'm sorry. Chace was my high school...bully,"

I laugh a little in disbelief, "You got bullied?"

He looks at me with a teasingly angry face, "Shut up, yes, I got bullied, and I fucked Chace up at our first Council's Ball, okay?" He paused for a moment, eyes looking regretful, "I am really sorry you had to get involved in our shit," he continued but I stop him by giving his cheek a little kiss. It felt good..and distracted him enough to allow me to talk.

"I stopped you from killing the guy, even though he thoroughly deserved it," I say and could tell he was staring at my grinning lips as I did. I watched his own lips curl up in a smile and let him lean in, feeling as if I had waited for ages for this.

"Are you insane?!"

With another voice interrupting again I couldn't help but giggle slyly at Prince's annoyed groan as he reluctantly faced his brother.


(A/N: So, what do we think of this little tease of a chapter? ;) I'm wondering if it's too soon for Amelia to forgive Prince and I think Francis may agree...I'm excited to hear what you guys think though, so let me know!


your Author.)

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