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(A/N: Dear Readers, I apologise for my absence these past few weeks. It's been rough for me, mentally and physically. I appreciate the readers who have commented/messaged me during this time and have been so patient, thank you and I hope this chapter makes up for it. I will be trying to be more present from here on, and, excitedly, I have a few things I want to work on in partnership with this story. Firstly, I plan on self-publishing my original 'The Street Fighter Meets the Gang Leader' book. Secondly, I want to start writing a new mafia inspired story. Thirdly, for any anime fans out there, I will be publishing a Naruto fanfiction. And lastly, I'm thinking of writing a series of 18+ one-shots (taking in requests). Thank you again for all of your support and I hope you'll continue supporting me here on. Yours, Author.)

-Amelia's POV-

I woke up the next day, eyes still sore from the crying I had done yesterday. 

I looked at the clock that hung in the room I was in, it seemed that I had already missed the first period but I could possibly still go in late to school. So, I got up from the bed and started getting ready. 

After freshening up, I walked down to uncle Xavier's dining room where he seemed to have a whole buffet spread for us, making my eyes widen at the quantity of food. "Are you having guests?" I asked and Uncle Xavier looked at me quizzically. 


"How much am I expected to eat?" I joked, but his response seemed all too serious,

"Four eggs, six pancakes, two waffles, two sandwiches, and an apple." He kept pointing to each of the foods as he was listing them but I couldn't take it to heart with his baby blue apron with spilt flour all over it. 

I burst out laughing, not believing any of it but when he didn't laugh along with me, my laughs lowly came to a stop. "What?" He asked.

"You can't be serious, I can't eat all of that!" I argued which made him calmly walk around to where I was standing and put a hand on my shoulder. 



I groaned walking through the building, holding my stomach. From behind me, I could hear Xavier shout, "Take care, Amelia!" Before the roar of his car came to life and he drove away but it made me curse under my breath.

No human being should have to engulf that much food and yet Xavier had double what I did, saying how he and my mother would always have food challenges after training to build their muscle. How she was able to keep up, I had no idea. 

The bell rang just as I got to my locker, having everyone rush out of the classrooms and into the hallways making me think I probably should have skipped today but then I'd have nowhere to go. 

I sigh at the thought but just as I did, an arm swung around my shoulders, catching me off guard. I quickly looked up but soon relaxed when I see Francis grin down at me. "Hey,"

"Hi!" I greeted back, light and enthusiasm unconsciously making its way into my body. 

"I didn't think you'd be in today," he starts, looking into my eyes, glancing down before meeting them again, "but I'm glad you are." We stood looking at each other for a second but just as my lips parted to say something, I hear someone drop something in front of us. 

I looked to see both Katie and Lara standing with wide eyes and mouths hanging open as they watch us, Katie seemed to be the one who dropped her bag while being in shock. "Guys, I can explain?" I say but just as I did, Lara snaps out of it, rushing to me before slapping Francis' arm off me and coming between us in a defensive stance. 

"Amelia, have you forgotten about what he's planning?!" Lara whisper/shouts into my ear before shooting him a glare. I chuckle at her defensive nature and Francis puts his arms up in surrender. "We know about your bet! Leave Amelia out of it!" 

The Devil is in the Details (Book 3)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon