Who Is It?

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-Amelia's POV-

I close the door, hoping for silence but was unfortunate. The door made a creek as I closed it, making me cringe. 

I had hoped that I'd be able to go home undetected, leave for school in the morning and go to Francis' house without having to see my parents for a little while longer. Give me some more time to figure out what to do. However, when the door was closed, I could hear the sounds of footsteps approaching. 

"Amelia?" It was my mother. I closed my eyes, calming my nerves before looking up at her. She was standing in the doorway to the living room on her own as if she was waiting for me. 

I opened my mouth to try to greet her but my lips started quivering, keeping me silent. She seemed to have noticed this so she gave me a gentle smile before saying, "Welcome home,"

Hearing that made me sigh in relief. She wasn't mad.

I ran up and hugged her, her hold being something I hadn't realised the importance of to me but had dearly missed. 

When we pulled away she looked down at me, stroking my hair before asking, "Are you okay?" I nodded back at her but still felt necessary to say,

"I'm sorry, about everything." she sighed back at me, still smiling.

"So am I."

"Where's father?" I then asked her, it being rare that they were a part and he didn't seem like he was at home either.  

My mother didn't answer straight away, a second of hesitance it seemed before telling me he was at the bar but it was weird because I hadn't seen him there. "He's taking care of things for me," she carries on. She looked like she was about to say something else too but then stops herself shaking her head a little quickly before saying, "You must be tired! I'll let you get some rest."

I wasn't sure if I should question her so I nodded my head, happy to get some rest so I stepped back a bit from her, "Goodnight mother," I say and she bids me goodnight as well before I walked up to my room. I looked back at her as I climbed up the stairs to see her still standing in the same place but looking up at the ceiling for a moment. Was she okay? 

I thought it was best that I leave things how they are though and continued to my room. I'll have to face my father too at some point, but for today, I was happy with how things went, letting me relax enough to quickly fall asleep.


"This is it," 

I looked up to the house that laid before us, it had a sweet and comfy feeling to it. "I know it's probably nothing compared to your home but," Francis had started saying and he was right, it was much smaller than my own mansion of a place but this is what I imagined a proper home would be like, traditional and almost cottage like. 

"No, I think I prefer your home over my own," I tell him and he smiles down at me before leading me inside. 

After school, Francis and I had walked to his house as I had promised. My friends were almost too supportive which I found funny but knew not to expect much. On the way we talked about anything as if we had been friends for years, it was relieving to be able to do so despite growing up being told not to trust people and to always be on guard. I had always thought it was a bit defensive to think so and my walk with Francis assured me of that. I didn't know what my parents went through, but I was glad for this new friendship. I was glad to be here with Francis. 

As we walked inside, Francis told me his parents were over in another state visiting family for a while and, "My brother will be back later but he won't care about us." Hearing this made me raise an eye-brow. 

The Devil is in the Details (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now