'pls wait for me'

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Scarlett's pov:

It's the night I planned on having dinner with my student 'y/n' after ignoring me the whole day she finally replied accepting my request on meeting up (aka dinner 🥲)

I smooth down my dress letting a sigh I didn't even know I was holding. "Ok Scarlett you can do this" I mumble to myself (obviously bc there's no one around to say those words to but herself) I look myself up and down now examining my view in the mirror
'is it to much?' I say to my mind (nahh it's not)

I hear a knock on the door,y/n's here.
"coming!" "I yell letting her know she was noticed. "Hi" "hi.." "come in I just needa do something real quick" "oh ok" I let her in closing the door behind her heading upstairs to the 'something' walking down seeing that she's seated in the seat I sat crying in "are you ready to go?" "Yup ready..let's go" "umhum" I wait for her by the door before locking up "I'll drive" I look up with a reassuring smile letting her know I understand walking to the passenger side where she was waiting with the door already open "thank you" she smiles in return closing the door moving to her side of the car buckling in before turning to me "are we ready?" "All ready" "great."

Silence feels up the air neither of us unsure how to start a conversation.
"How's everything with you" "great what about you?" "It's great..." I look up seeing her side picture how beautiful she was.though her focus was on the road she cleared her throat "my Lawyer Mr Harris (think that's his name 🥲) he told me get a bodyguard which is unnecessary but...I think he's right with everything that's happened and if we don't um...work out I might get one." "I was flabbergasted at her choice of words but soon the shock ness turned a frown 'does she think we won't work out?' "um...yeah a bodyguard will help..." I tried fighting back the tears though they weren't necessary. "Are you ok?" 'those words' "mhm" "are you sure...you look sad..was it something I said" "no it's ok.." "Scarlett" I look up her focus on me a worried expression in front of me "do you..." She stops mid sentence realization taking over "oh i- Scarlett-" "it's ok..." "No I- I'm sorry I didn't realize what I said I shouldn't said it in the first place" "I...I really want us to be a thing but I'm sorry Scarlett pls not right now...,Even if we could wait a couple months..." "I could wait..." "Pls wait for me"

A/n:short chap sorry I'm sick again.and it's really late so I will head to sleep now I have school tomorrow which I'm not pleased especially with the bad weather from where I am.
But if your from new Zealand like me I just want to hope your safe and warm hope this bad weather is over soon cause it's so bad and I hate it.

But happy mothers day for the mothers!! ❤️🥰

See you in another month 🥲.

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