"Scar I'm home!"

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Elizabeths pov:

After finding out my best friend was
well let's not say dating but is seeing y/n,the girl I was inlove with when we were both young (Liz is 24 in this story yh ik she's like 33 or 34 but still!! It's just a story so go with the flow) "Liz are you ok?" "Hmp yeah I'm ok" "oh you were stuck in your head I was calling your name for awhile now" "oh hahaha sorry I was just thinking something" "what is it Liz?" Scarlett questions, I didn't want to tell her I was jealous of her for having my childhood crush in her arms and in her house "Liz?" I look up to Scarlett before looking away "Scar uh um I think imma g-" "Scar I'm home!- Elizabeth?" "H-hi y/n" "omg! It's been so long I missed you,why didn't you come visit I was hoping to see you again" before I knew it y/n was hugging me making me blush hard still not used to her being close to me since it had been awhile since I've felt her touch "I-i miss you too y/n and I'm sorry I couldn't visit I um well uh-" "its ok Lizzie your here now in my arms" Y/n whispers "you sound tired where have you been?" "I had a meeting with-do you remember jarred?" "Jarred who?" I question "Jarred Harris" "your dad's lawyer?" "Yes him well my lawyer now.." "I'm sorry about your dad y/n he was the sweetest I saw him as my own uncle he was the best uncle figure ever" not long after my sentence I hear sniffles coming from y/n I pull her closer comforting her with my hug "don't cry y/n pls" "I-im sorry" looking at my now dreaded shirt "it's ok love I can change my shirt" "I have one you can borrow" "no no its fine I was about to head out now it-" "no pls Liz stay" "I-" "pls" "ok fine just one night promise" "yay!" "But it's up to Scarlett since it's her house and she's the owner of it" we both look to Scarlett taking her attention of her phone and to us "hmp  yes you can stay Liz I'm sure y/n misses you so much" "thank you Scar" I say earning a smile in return "movie night it is!" "Y/n yells running into the kitchen searching for food "scar wanna pick the movie?" "Yeah sure I'd love to pick the movie" "Hmmm how about spiderman no way home?" "Yeah even though I've seen that like 100 times already" "such a fan" I say rolling my eyes as y/n pocks her tongue out

As the movie is about to start I feel a head lay on my shoulder knowing who the head belonged to I rapped my arms around her shoulders after so Scarlett gets up to leave looking up I ask "where are you of too?" "Bed" was all she had said "oh ok goodnight scar!" "Goodnight Liz" "goodnight Scarley" "goodnight y/n/n" "bidding our goodnights both mines and y/n's heads turn back to the tv "do you think Scarletts alright?" Y/n says with a concerned voice "idk y/n she's been of lately" "yeah since..." "Since?" I say getting cut of by y/n "do you think she's jealous?" Jealous?..why would she be jealous? I say in my mind "Eli?" "Hmp?" "You seem lost are you ok?" "Hmp yeah I'm ok"

Scarletts pov:
Seeing y/n and Elizabeth interact like that made me feel something I've never felt since I was with Collin and... honestly I hated that feeling,Yeah I know Y/n and Liz are just friends,but...Liz looks at y/n in a way a friend shouldn't look at a friend way.And seeing them cuddle while watching Spider-Man no way home.

Was I jealous? I mean if you put it that way yeah I was.Y/n's a hot mess even though it's wrong to think of your student like that but..I really can't help it. But being jealous because your best friends all over your crush is another level.

I shrug it of wanting to sleep till the next day, heading back to my room I hear rambling I stop in my steps wanting to know what they were talking about "I don't know y/n she's been of lately" Wait...was she talking about me,shit! They know I whisper  "you seem lost are you ok? "Hmp yeah
I'm ok" "ok um I'm gonna head up I'm really tired" "ok y/n goodnight" "good night Liz" I sprint up to my room getting under covers in my bed closing my eyes shut so y/n wouldn't know I heard their conversation. "Hey Scar? Are you still awake?"

Y/n's pov:
I walk up stairs heading into Scarletts room "Hey Scar? Are you still awake?" I say thinking she'd be up "yeah I'm still up I couldn't really sleep" "Hey um are you ok? You seem off" "what...yes I'm fine why would you think that?" "Look ever since I walked in Scar you haven't talked much what's up?" "Ok...I'll admit it... I'm jealous of you and Elizabeth..." "What's there to be jealous of me and Elizabeth have been friends since childhood" "yeah but that's not the point" "what do you mean scar?" "I-i uh...You know what forget about it" "scar what's wrong?" I say now by her side "you can tell me"..."No forget about it" "SCARLETT! pls stop with this nonsense and tell me!" "OK FINE!, Your so called best friend is inlove with you and I know it!" "No your wrong she's my best friend and she's straight..." "You don't know that y/n"
"But if she was inlove with me then she would've told me.." "she's scared to confess her love..but...the thing is are you inlove with her?" "No- no God no she's my best friend I love her but not that kind of way...not the way I love you..." "Alright thank you for being honest...can we talk about this tomorrow?" "Yeah yeah I uh think that's a good idea...good night scar"

"Good night y/n/n"


A/n:Hello guys finally back with a story haha yay! It's been awhile...but
Anyways yeah I hope it's not to much drama btw I look back to my other chapters Incase I forget where I'm at lol 🙂

But yes see use maybe in a month lol 😂 alot of shts been happening and school starts in 2 weeks which I'm not happy about 🙂😭

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