"I'm sorry.."

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I was seated in the driver's seat when I'm about to shut the door a familiar voice shouts out so I look tawords and see it was Scarlett "hello professor nice seeing you today,how may I help you" "uhh yes I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house tonight" "I have homework so maybe another time" "oh yeah totally take care" I smile "you too professor" she walks of into the distance so I start my engine and drive of.On my way home I stop by at the coffee shop and treat myself with sweets I look over to see a young girl around my age eyeing me up and down "he-hello uh- m-may I take your order?" "Hello beautiful yeah sure could I get a croissant and one of your best coffee's" her cheek's turn bright pink at the name I had called her "hello? earth to Trinity" "how'd you know my name?" I point to her name tag and she looks up embarrassed "oh-uh sorry I forgot about that" "it's ok sweetie" "wh-whats Yh-your n-name?" "Y/n y/l/n" "your names cute" "thank you but it's not cuter then you" she blushes and I smirk and she looks away and nods her head for me to wait I walk of and sit on a glass table.Im on my phone when suddenly I get a text
*New text from Scar<3*

Scar<3:Hi darling where are you?

Y/ny/l/n: I'm at the coffee shop I'm waiting for my order

Scar<3:That girl was really flustered of those pet names you called her

Y/ny/l/n:Are you stalking me!

Scar<3:Maybe 😉
Look to your right❤️
I look to my right and see none other then Scarlett she walks over to my table taking the seat next to me
"Hey stalker" "hey beautiful" I smirk
"Y/N Y/L/N!" "That's my order" "call me when you get home" "will do!,BYE!!" "BYE LOVE YOU!"

Scarlett's pov:
I look over to the cashier who has pure anger in her eyes I just smile and look over to y/n as she waves I stay staring getting a view of her ass *one day that ass will be mine* I speak in my mind "Scarlett Johansson" I look at the cashier and she is looking at me I walk over and look to her name tag I smile innocently at her "good evening Ms" she looks over with pure hatred but turn it down and smile "you too Ms Johansson" I smile and drop it as soon as I'm out the door I'm walking to my car when suddenly I hear yelling from a car I look and see it's
y/n's I look between mines and her car I start making my way to mines placing my order in the middle before heading to y/n's I knock twice seeing her attention is on me she getures me to get in the passengers seat so I do so.I could tell something was up she wasn't talking to me everything was pure silent.I speak up breaking the silent "are you gonna tell me why I heard yelling coming from your car" "I don't wanna talk about it.."
"I understand I'll stay here with you for as long as you want me to be with you" "Scarlett..." "Yeah?" "Can I come over tonight.." "yes Sweetie come here" I pull her in for a hug and return with arms around my upper hips. I pull away so I could speak "let's go" "yeah..." I kiss her forehead and head out to my own car we head to my house which wasn't a long ride.She pulls up next to me and hops out collecting her belongings and locking her car I follow her tracks so I could unlock the door.I allow her to walk in so I could grab my key of the door and shut it.She waits for me not trusting the new space I smile and walk up to her grabbing her hand leading us into the kitchen so we could talk she hugs me resting her head on my chest I rap my arms around her and start swinging softly she looks up head still rested on my chest smiling she goes in to kiss my jaw then makes her way to my lips she stops and looks into my eyes "I want to tell you something" it's related to the scene that happened in the car" "I'm all ears" I lead her to the couch.and sit opposite to her so we are facing each other "what's up?" "Well..um in the car um my mum rang and started yelling at me" she stops and starts to tear up I go next to her and pull her tawords me "what'd she say" I say concerned and mad "she called me a whore for having sex with you and she said I was a mistake she said if I ever come home she will call the cops on me" that motherfucker "SHE FUCKING SAID THAT! Oh no she will pay" "Scarlett...It's ok" "no y/n no one not even your parents will talk to you like that" she tears up once again so I hug her and she hugs me back "I'm sorry I put you into the position I-" "y/n it's ok I will always be by your side through day and night" she smiles I wipe her stained face and kiss her check without hesitation I go in for her lips.Our lips connect and I feel her kiss me back,my back hits the soft fabric as I feel heavy wait on me I move my hand down to y/n's waist to pull her closer.The doorbell rings and y/n flinches and pulls away not expecting visitors.I had forgotten to tell her that my parents was coming over for dinner. "You never told me you had visitors" "I'm so sorry I had gotten carried on that I forgot to tell you" I get up to open the door but before I do I fix my hair up.I open my door and my parents were waiting patiently "hi mum hi dad pls come in" they kiss my check as they make there way in "oh hello dear who are you?" A faint voice is heard from my mum I look over to y/n who is walking tawords hmy mother "hello I'm y/n I'm a friend of your daughter" "uh she has such pretty friends" "thank you dear she also gets her prettiness from you" y/n looks my way smirking making me blush "will you be staying" yes indeed I will be if that's alright with the owner" "it'll be a pleasure for you to stay for dinner y/n" "thank you" she smiles we make our way into the kitchen while my parents sat in the living room "Your mums hot" y/n whispers "I'm gonna kick you out if you say that Infront of me again" "what? Jealous" "no I'm not she's to old for you" "sure...sure I'm sure your thinking about having me in your bed right now" "oh pls you'll be sleeping outside if you say that again" "ok ok I'll stop what are we making" "I'm making my mum's favorite dish" and what's that?" "Pasta" "omg! My favorite dish is pasta too!,wow we have something in common" "yes but wanna know my favorite dish" "yeah I do" I go closer to her face making my way to her ears "you" I whisper then nibble a little on her ears making her sigh. We are now at the table "so y/n how long have you and Scarlett been friends "uh not long but we've gotten along quite fast, isn't that right scar" "mhm yes that's right" "did you know Scarlett is a professor" "yes she's told me she loves her job" "oh wow that's great,do you work?" "No I don't but I'm gonna start looking for one..my mum basically kicked me out and my dad while he was in a car crash on there business trip.OMG! It makes sense now!" "My mum only married my dad to kill him and take over thats why she kicked me out,sorry I have to exscuse myself" y/n gets up and leaves

Y/n's pov:
I excuse myself to call my lawyer who was my dad's lawyer before me
"Hello Ms y/l/n how may I help you?"
"Yes hi Mr Harris I want file a case on my father's death and my mother suspicion" "will do Ms meeting tomorrow is that ok?" "Yes thank you your a life saver I owe you" "no need I've been in your life since you were younger you've grown to become a tough and smart woman" "thank you sir see you tomorrow" "you to" I end the call and head back to the table to finish of what was left in my plate "so who were you on call with?" "My lawyer I have a meeting with him tomorrow,I'm gonna file a case on my mother to prove she was the culprit that killed my father" "what will happen after the trial?" "It's up to the judge I just hope she goes behind bars for the rest of her life." "You have so much hate tawords your mother" "she's not my real mother she was my mum's twin she killed my mother at birth ,my mum's name is alisea I found my birth certificate" "I don't blame my dad for not telling me but I really had to find out when he had recently died"

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