"It should be right here," MUgman announced.

"I don't see anything," Cuphead said.

Then Cuphead stepped on a small stone tile, hidden in the floor and something clicked.

Suddenly an enormous, stone entrance way, rose from the ground.

"Heck that's cool," Chalice said, "let's head on in."

Chalice walked up to the door and tried to open it but it was locked.

Suddenly a face appeared on the door.

"AAAH" CHalice screamed jumping backwards, "What's that!?"

The face opened its eyes and began to speak

"Hello young cups," the door said, "i am the guardian of the tomb of the Calix Animi, you must speak the password to enter.

"What password?" Mugman asked

"The password," the face replied, "we're not about to let just anyone into our sacred burial place full of treasures

The three cups got in a huddle and seated a plan.

"You two dingdongs know of any password?" Chalice asked.

"Nuh uh," the brothers replied.

"Has Elder kettle maybe hinted at anything?" Chalice asked again.

"Nuh uh," the brothers said again

"Well then time for plan B" CHalice said, smiling, "you two handle the music, i'm gonna charm this sucker."

She broke off from the huddle and gestured to Cuphead and Mugman to make some music. Mugman walked over some marsh grass, pulled one of the leaves so that it became stretched tight like a guitar string and then plucked an out of tune note.

"Allow me," Cuphead said, walking over to the patch of marsh grass that Mugman found. He grabbed a dead flowering stem of a large reed and broke it off. He then broke off the reed flower from the other end of it and poked a few holes in the side to make a flute.

Cuphead then proceeded to play a version of "Dance Across a Rainbow" using the reed as a double bass and his homemade flute which Chalice scared and tap-danced. Cuphead played the flute using one hand, held the reed taught with his other hand and plucked it with his foot. The face started to nod to the tune and once Chalice deemed it sufficiently charmed she Kicked the door open

(I actually made this remix, you can listen to it here  https://musescore.com/user/62755333/scores/10674286 . I know it's not a link but can't figure out how to link stuff in the story. it's also an external link which you can click at the bottom of the page)

"Easy as pie!" Chalice said, striding through the door

As the three cups descended into the dark stone corridors, Chalice pulled three torches out her pocket and tossed them to Cuphead and Mugman.

"Keep your eyes peeled boys," she said, "that holy grail Could be anywhere."

The trio continued down the hall until something caught Mugman's eye.

"Would you look at that," Mugman said, pointing at what he had seen.

The tunnel had opened up into a grand room. Along the walls were burnt out torches secured to the wall with a metal frame. High up on the wall in front of them the cups saw the Coat of arms of the Calic Animi. Below it, carved into the wall where what seemed to be names, there was no particular order to it, just names carved all the way down the wall, each looking like it had been done by an individual. Most of the names had been worn away by time but the lower down ones were visible.

The Cuphead Show! Season 4Where stories live. Discover now