Leo's P.O.V

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For the last couple of turns, I had been thinking about what I could ask someone if the walked in or I asked them. "Anna-" I started. Suddenly there was knock at the door. I walked over and opened the door. "Nice, Will! So glad you could join us!!" I exclaimed. I rushed forward and pulled them both in it a hug. "Will you get off me Leo?" Nico said uncomfortably. "Sorry, I kinda got excited. We're playing truth or dare wanna play?" I asked. "Um.... Sure." Will replied. i sat back down and said "Now where was I.... Will truth or dare?" Um, Dare I guess." Will said hesitantly. "I dare you to..."Iris message Hades and Apollo, and kiss Nico lovingly." I said triumphantly. "Leo.... I am going to kill you. And I am going to do a very good job cause you know I am the son of Hades." Nico scowled. "That's my Nico. But yeah I'll do it." Will said enthusiastically.
"There should be a drachma in the fountain." Percy said. "Um there are no drachma in the fountain, Percy." Nico said. "Just a sec I might have one." Annabeth said. "Yep, here you go." I watched will toss in the drachma and Hades and Apollo showed up on the screen. "Hey, Dad." Nico and Will said at the same time. "What is it that you want son." Hades said. " I am in the middle of a death trial here." All of a sudden Will lent forward and kissed Nico. The on Hades face was to die for. Ha! Get it? Cause he is the lord of the dead. "Guys, you can stop kissing now." I said impatiently. Nico stopped the connection and sat back down sheepishly.

Percy Jackson Truth or DareOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz