Piper's P.O.V

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As I sat there being told that it was my turn, I was posing a very important question in my head. Who should I choose for truth or dare.
"Leo, truth or dare?" I asked. "Dare, because I am not a chicken." Leo said like it was the best thing in the world. "Fine, I dare you to let me cut you hair." I said triumphantly. "No! Not my beautiful hair! It is fine just the way it is and I like it how it is." Leo howled. "You really need a haircut, it is like Percy's. It's too long." Annabeth said.
"Percy, do have any scissors in your cabin?" I asked politely. "Yes, I do. Just let me go get them." We all watched him walked over to the fountain in his cabin and lift up the floor board. "Why do you keep your scissors there?" Annabeth asked. "So you don't take my scissors and cut my hair." Percy replied. "Come on Leo. Stop moaning and come into the bathroom." I said. "But." Leo protested.
I shut the door behind us and covered the mirror so Leo couldn't see what I was doing. I got to work and when I finished I was pretty pleased with myself. It looked really nice. We walked out of the bathroom and everyone gasped. "Don't look at me I'm probably hideous! Wait that's impossible but...."Leo cried. "Wow." Rachel and Annabeth whispered simultaneously. "You actually look heaps better Leo. I reckon Calypso gonna fall over and be like 'Leo you look......hot!' Just kidding she is going to love it." Annabeth said.
I went and got Leo a mirror for him to look in. Leo grabbed the mirror had a look and let out a high pitched scream. "How could you do this to my hair! I liked it long." "I know how you feel Leo. If I had my hair cut I would sit there and cry and scream and do all of that." Percy said sympathetically. "But Percy, you are a drama queen." Annabeth pointed out.

*******This is my longest chapter yet!! Please please please leave a comment on what you think and vote for my book! THANK YOU!😀*******

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